Day 13…Norway Cruise…Bodo, Norway…Car rental in Nevada?…

Bodo, Norway
Not our photo. The town of Bodo has many modern buildings against its snow-covered mountains.

Note: I cannot add more photos today, other than the above, due to the poor WiFi signal aboard the ship. Once we arrive in Nevada in early September, we can post our photos from Edinburgh and this cruise. Of course, we’ll continue to try to add photos each day! We are sorry for the inconvenience. Perhaps, when this cruise ends, we can start posting photos while on the upcoming Celebrity cruise in 6 days. We’ll continue taking photos and writing text daily, if possible.

This cruise ends in four days. Have we loved it so far? The food, the people, the ambiance, and the entertainment have been excellent but not necessarily better than we experienced on other cruises. Would we sail on Azamara again? Yes, but only after they improve their WiFi.

My frustration over being unable to upload photos to our daily post has been annoying. It will require me to spend a lot of time when we get to Nevada on September 1, editing and uploading the many photos we’ve yet to post. Although the only things we’ll want to do in Nevada are collect mail at our mailing service, renew our driver’s licenses at the busy DMV in Henderson (we have appointments), and spend time with Richard and a few friends in Las Vegas.

After that, we’ll be able to relax. I aim to get the photos uploaded in the first few days, leaving my mind free to relax and enjoy the time spent in our state of residency. Yesterday, we rented a car in Las Vegas, which we hadn’t planned to do, instead using Uber for our few appointments. But prices had dropped since we last checked several weeks ago.

We were surprised by the lower car rental prices when we arrive on Thursday, August 31, Labor Day weekend. But we were all over it when we could rent a car for nine days for under $400. Formerly, prices were running around $100 daily, which was quite an improvement.

Now, as this cruise winds down, we feel more like relaxing and winding down for our next adventure, the cruise to Greenland. Today, we’re doing laundry in the provided washers and dryers down the corridor from our cabin. They even provide laundry pods, all at no charge, which is an excellent perk for us instead of paying for laundry.

On the upcoming Celebrity cruise, with our Captain’s Club rewards, we are entitled to two laundry bags during the entire cruise. We’ll likely have clothes to wash once we arrive in Nevada, but we’ll figure that out. For us, laundry is always a concern when we don’t have a home we’re returning to at the end of any cruise or tour. Of course, a washer is a priority at all of our holiday homes, although a dryer is not.

Today, our ship is docked in the village of Bodo, described as follows from Azamara’s brochure:

“Bodo, nestled on Norway’s northern coast, offers a captivating blend of natural wonders and modern charm. Embrace the midnight sun during summer and witness, witness the Northern Lights in winter, and explore scenic landscapes. With a rich maritime history, vibrant arts scene, and access to Lofoten Islands, Bodo is a gateway to Arctic adventures and a destination of captivating allure.”

Last night, we had a fun evening in the Den (Spirits Bar) when the cruise director and his assistant provided delightful entertainment. However, we drifted off to our cabin by 10:00 pm to watch a movie and relax, ending in a great night’s sleep.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, August 13, 2013:

I read this book when it came out, which made me acutely aware of not sitting too much during our world travels. For the story, please click here.

Day 6…Norway Cruise…Alesund, Norway…Having as much fun as we imagined!!!…

Not our photo due to poor WiFi signal.

Note: I can only add the above photo due to the poor WiFi signal aboard the ship. Once we arrive in Nevada in early September, we can post our photos from Edinburgh and this cruise. Of course, we’ll continue to try to add photos each day! We are sorry for the inconvenience. Perhaps, when this cruise ends, we can start posting photos while on the upcoming Celebrity cruise in 12 days. We’ll continue taking photos and writing text daily, if possible.

We are having a fantastic time! On this small ship with under 600 passengers, it’s easy to meet new people. Almost everyone is friendly and happy to engage in lively conversation, and of course, the social butterflies that we are, make friendly chatter as easy as possible.

Occasionally, a friendly hello or request for table sharing typically results in delightful conversations about world travel, families, and interests. With an average age of 70, we find we have lots in common with many passengers, including those who frequently travel and those who may travel less frequently. There’s no shortage of conversation with table mates at dinner, at the various bars and entertainment areas, and in the Mosaic Cafe where we spend our mornings.

We’ve been staying up late every night. Last night, we returned to our cabin around 12:30 am one of the earlier nights, we finally went to bed. On the other hand, we usually sleep until 8:00 am and hurry to get up to ensure we get to the buffet for breakfast at a reasonable time. Eating breakfast in the dining room is not as easy for my way of eating as it is at the buffet, where they make everything for me as I’d like it…especially the “no oil” part which I have to be very careful about.

This morning, after breakfast, we got our lightweight jackets and the camera and headed out on foot to the small town of Alesund, Norway, another quaint port town on our Norway journey. One of the highlights of our walk through the town was meeting a friendly local man walking his gorgeous St. Bernard dog, Ozzie, who licked me repeatedly with his sloppy drool.

I didn’t mind the drool at all since I was enthralled to have some animal interaction, regardless of the consequences. The man was delighted to chat with us and did so for quite some time, allowing us to ask questions about this adorable dog, the weather, and local customs.

We always assumed it snowed a lot in Norway, but Alesund is in such close proximity to the ocean, as are all the other ports of call we’re visiting, and gets little snow unless one goes further inland. We’ve yet to experience a sunny day at any other of the ports of call and imagine sunny days are a rare treat. We are in the northern hemisphere, but it stays cool here year-round. Today’s high is 60F, 16C, with a low of 53F, 12C. We’re enjoying the cool weather after those sweltering days and nights in Florida.

Here’s the description of the village from the ship’s brochure (again, somewhat repetitious as other descriptions):

“Nestled amidst breathtaking fjords and coastal beauty, Alesund, Norway, is a picturesque town renowned for its stunning Art Nouveau architecture and captivating natural landscapes. Perched on the western coast, this charming maritime city offers a seamless blend of historic charm and modern allure. Explore the narrow streets adorned with colorful buildings, savor fresh seafood at the bustling fish markets, and embark on unforgettable adventures in the surrounding fjord and mountains.”

Tonight, we’re meeting a lovely couple in the Den for cocktails that we met this morning and possibly for dinner later in the main dining room, Discovery.

The day is young. Many more delightful experiences await us.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, August 6, 2013:

No photos were posted on this date in 2013.