An exciting new little family in the bush…Change in plans for the weekend…

Could the piglets be any cuter? They are the tiniest piglets we’ve ever seen! Way to go, Lollie!

Yesterday morning, Lollie, our resident female warthog, suddenly appeared in her usual spot in the garden with her three newborn piglets! We couldn’t stop smiling and laughing over how such little piglets could run around and jump when they were born only a few hours earlier.

We couldn’t feed Lollie enough pellets and carrots, knowing how vital nourishment is to her now, more than ever. The piglets were too young to eat the pellets or carrots, which I’d cut up into bite-sized pieces in case they tried to eat them. They will undoubtedly start eating the pellets in a few days.

It wasn’t easy to take photos of them since the piglets were terrified of us. These few photos included today were taken from my phone at quite a distance. As they grow, we’ll have more photos. It appears there are two females and one male. We named the boy Leon after our dear friend in the hospital, who is quite a go-getter with a robust sense of humor.

We missed seeing Leon at Jabula last night. If all goes well, by Monday, he should be returning home. We certainly hope the treatment he is on for the blood clot in his leg is working to dissolve the clot. Last night, it wasn’t the same without him there, but all the diners at the busy restaurant were talking about him and wishing him well. Dawn was holding up well, serving the needs of her guests along with her very competent staff and somehow managing to have an upbeat attitude. They both are amazing through this difficult time.

At around 7:15, after we’d finished our dinner, which we ate at the bar as we always do when it’s just the two of us, thunder and lightning filled the skies. We were shocked the power didn’t go out. Anxious to get back to our house to ensure everything was OK in the storm, we decided to leave right away.

David walked us to our car, holding a golf umbrella over our heads. But the wind and rain were too strong to keep us from getting soaking wet. Poor David had to go back inside to work while he was soaked. The 10-minute drive back to our house was treacherous. We were relieved to pull up under our car park roof and get inside the house. We couldn’t get our wet clothes off quickly enough and get comfy in the bedroom to stream a few shows and relax while the storm settled down.

The new router is working well. We only had a few minutes of an outage last night around 8:00 pm, 2000 hrs., typically when many people in Marloth Park are online. But it came back a few minutes later, and all was fine. We appreciate Louise and Tech Connect for getting our WiFi working correctly. It’s been quite a hassle dealing with frequent outages.

Tonight, we won’t be going to Jabula for dinner or going out anywhere. There’s a big rugby game tonight, and the entire park will flood the bars and restaurants where they can watch the game, drink, eat and cheer on the players. Since we aren’t into rugby we’ve decided to stay home, cook filet mignon on the braai, with rice for Tom and salad for both of us, and enjoy another fine evening in the bush.

A bale of lucerne was delivered by Daisy’s Den this morning, but we’ve yet to see many animals, other than a few impalas stopping by to nibble the fresh green hay. It’s the weekend, and due to the game, there are more people here in Marloth Park, causing many animals to stay undercover with the traffic on the roads and people in the bush.

It’s incredible how they are so active only hours after being born.

Many readers have written inquiring about how I feel after the massive medication regime I followed for ten days. I was pain-free for about a week, and now the headaches and facial pain have returned—however, it’s only about 50% as painful as it was initially.

I continue to read how similar headaches have impacted the lives of many who’d had such headaches while suffering from  Covid and continued long after they recovered from Covid. I may need to wait it out. Right now, I don’t feel like going through the side effects of trying new drugs for nerve pain. Nor do I want to go through several tests. Millions of people with long-haul Covid have had countless tests, none of which indicate why they are experiencing symptoms. I believe I fall into that category.

Here is an interesting article about long-haul Covid.

Plus, there’s this:

Overall, 1 in 13 adults in the U.S. (7.5%) have “long COVID” symptoms, defined as symptoms lasting three or more months after first contracting the virus and that they didn’t have before their COVID-19 infection.”
That’s it for today, folks. We hope you have a great weekend. We’ll be back with you soon!

Photo from one year ago today, November 5, 2021:

Notches, also from the Orange house, has found her way here. Her name is a result of the notches in her right ear. For more photos, please click here.