Time flies, even when its not as fun as we’d prefer..

We stopped to take a photo of a pretty flower.

Time seems to fly as we age because of the way our brains perceive time. Everything is new and unfamiliar when we’re young, so our brains process these experiences with intense focus, creating many vivid memories. Each day feels longer because we’re constantly learning and noticing details.

But as we age, life becomes more routine, and our brains don’t have to work as hard to process familiar events. This creates fewer “new” memories, making time seem to speed up.

There’s also the relative perspective. When you’re 10, a year is 10% of your life. But by the time you’re 50, a year is just 2%. As a result, each passing year feels proportionally shorter compared to the ones before.

Emotionally, it’s also tied to how we approach life. Many people reflect on missed opportunities or unfinished goals as they age, which can amplify the sensation that time is slipping away. The more we focus on the rapid passage of time, the faster it seems to move, leading to that bittersweet feeling of time flying when we’re older.

Yes! “Time flies when you’re having fun” taps into how our brains handle enjoyment and focus. When deeply engaged in something that brings us joy, we enter a ” flow state.” In this state, we’re fully immersed in the present moment, losing track of external factors…like time.

Our brains aren’t constantly clock-watching or overanalyzing; instead, they’re soaking in the experience, and before we know it, hours have passed.

It’s almost like when we’re having fun; time slips into the background because we’re more focused on the joy and connection we’re feeling. The irony is that the more we wish to hold onto those moments, the faster they seem to slip through our fingers. It’s as if fun compresses time, making it feel fleeting.

This sense of time speeding up during fun is a reminder to embrace the present fully—while it lasts!

We can’t waste time worrying about how much time we have left, nor can we become obsessed with always having fun. Life’s reality dictates that sometimes it’s challenging and far removed from our preferred reality. However, having “downtime” is crucial to embracing those special times when we engage in joyful and playful activities.

As we also know, during downtimes, we can fall into the trap of believing this is our permanent state of being. God, Life, or whatever spiritual means you surround yourself with (or not) usually provides us with the choice to make the best of every situation. However difficult it may seem, our state of mind determines the quality of our lives, regardless of the challenges. As world travelers, we are temporarily in another type of lockdown preventing us from exploring the world at this time to find even snippets of pleasure and purpose in our currently mundane state of being.

Thank you for sharing this time with us.

Be well.\

Photo from ten years ago today, September 15, 2014:

Buildings at the busy port of Boston. For more photos, please click here.

Three days and counting…Getting things done…

Locals were walking on the steep roads during the procession last night. The woman on the far left in navy blue is our own, Santina, our precious cleaning lady.

Note: Today’s photos are from this date in 2013 while living in Boveglio, Tuscany, Italy. For more details, please click here.

It is so busy around here. This morning we finished your order to have the suitcase shipped to the hotel in Minnesota, waiting for us when we arrive on September 9. I contacted the hotel’s general manager that the briefcase will arrive in a few days, asking him to store it for us until we arrive. I also included a photo of the bag with the message.

As we stood on the road outside our house, the procession stopped for a few minutes for prayer. There’s Santina again in navy blue. Notice the heels on her shoes!

Then, we headed to the postal station, but three items I ordered from Amazon weren’t in the mailbox, nor was anyone at the postal station, so I could inquire if they had the packages. Now, we’ll have to return later on Wednesday or Thursday. There’s a huge rainstorm occurring right now with lots of wind, thunder, and lightning. We’re not going out in the golf cart in this weather.

Tomorrow is my much-needed pedicure appointment at 11 00 am. While I’m busy with that, Tom will fill up the tank on the golf cart at Walmart and buy a dozen eggs to get us through the remainder of the week.

This patio is where we suntan a few times a week. These impatiens attract the bees, as do most flowering plants requiring us to pay special attention during our hour in the sun, quite close to the planters.

Once back at the house, I’ll finish the post, upload it, and then return to packing. We already arranged transportation through Groome from The Villages to the Orlando International Airport, which picks up for the international flight at 5:50 pm for our 10:30 pm international flight. It’s over an hour-long drive, especially with rush hour traffic at that time of day.

We’ve gone through all our remaining food, and we need one more dinner to wipe out everything we have. Thus, after my pedicure tomorrow, we’ll stop at the Mexican restaurant in Colony Plaza and order food for tomorrow night’s dinner.

The second of the two planters. As you can see, the giant leaves belong to the zucchini. We’ll see more zucchini over the remaining summer as well as the abundant herbs we’ve been using.

For Thursday evening, we have frozen burger patties for Tom with bacon, cheese, onion, and canned tuna for me, which I’ll make into tuna salad using the remaining eggs, onions, and celery, using sour cream for the salad dressing. This will be the best we’ve ever used up our remaining food. In the past, we were happy to leave food for the household staff but with no household staff here, there was no one to leave it with.

Speaking of household staff, yesterday I got a wonderful message from one of our housemen in Marloth Park, Vusi. When we left, I had reformatted my old laptop, which worked well except for one key on the keyboard. I cleaned the exterior, screen, and keyboard so it looked brand new. Vusi was thrilled, hugging me several times, saying, “Oh, thank you, Madam.”

A zucchini that grew in the garden box on the patio.

Thus, yesterday when checking my email, there was a sweet message from Vusi that warmed my heart. He wrote:

“Morning, madam, hope everything is good there, I just wanted to say we (the animal, us) miss you, have a great day🍹🙏may God bless you

And thanks for the laptop. It’s still working good. I really appreciate 🙏Vusi.”
Immediately, I wrote back to Vusi, thanking him for his thoughtful message and how much we’re looking forward to seeing him in less than 11 months from now. We have so much to look forward to.
That’s it for today, folks. We have lots to do and look forward to being on our way soon.
Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, July 25, 2013:

Here’s a Ziplock bag half-filled with water and a few Euros to ward off house flies. See the story for the results of using these well-placed bags over the past 48 hours. (BTW, it didn’t work). For more photos, please click here.