Road trip today…Photos tomorrow…

We’re packed and ready to head out the door to go to the office at Laru Beya to rent a newer air-conditioned Toyota SUV, model unknown at the moment, for a road trip on our own. 

The 12-hour car rental fee is $65, substantially less than such an outing on a tour. The places we’ve chosen to visit don’t require a guide. Had we chosen to go on a tour, the cost would have been upwards of $300 without the freedom of exploring on our own while taking photos at our discretion.

Our plan is to take the 2 1/2 hour scary road, the Hummingbird Highway, to head to the Cayo District, where a wealth of amazing sites may be seen.

With a map, directions, and information about the sites that we’ve printed on our portable PrintStik printer; our water shoes, camera, cold beverages, binoculars, bathing suits, towels, bug spray, we’re well-armed for the day.

Tom insists we bring our passports.  After all, we are in a foreign country.

On the return home, later in the day, we’ll stop for groceries and dinner.

Most likely, we won’t post our experiences and photos until tomorrow afternoon.  There should be many photos to share!!

Stay tuned for a full report of our day!