Life on a farm…An experience like none other…Once again, adapting…

John, our exciting and attentive host farmer, has beautiful stories to tell. A former physician and world traveler, he’s a wealth of information. He took us on a partial tour of the 150 acres farm. On another day, we’ll see more.

Fascinating Fact of the Day about Devon, Cornwall:
Devon County Council is responsible for 8,000 miles of road – the longest network in the country. The county is home to everything from single track rural lanes across Dartmoor and Exmoor to major highways like the A38 and A30 – as well as the M5.”

There are chickens, ducks, and geese on the property, along with many Dorset sheep.  (Photos coming soon of these adorable sheep which are kept for their wool, not for slaughter.

Many of us have ancestors that farmed. In Tom’s case, it’s undoubtedly true when both of his parents, grandparents, and some of his siblings were born on a farm. I would have no idea if any of my ancestors were farmers.

We both love living on a farm. It must be in our DNA. It’s hard to imagine living in a typical city when over the past weeks, we’ve lived on two farms, reveling in every aspect. Of course, part of the enjoyment is based on the fact that we don’t do any of the work.

The acreage is diverse and beautiful.

People we’ve met along the way have asked if we “house sit” or work on farms as compensation for living quarters. As much as they may be appropriate for some travelers, it is just not quite our thing.  

We travel as retirees, although we spend hours preparing and working on our posts, taking photos, and conducting research. As we mentioned many times in past posts, we don’t feel our site is a “job” based on the enjoyment and benefit we derive from writing our stories each day.  

If the weather were warm, we’d certainly use this pool, but it is very calm and frequent rains, as it is today.

Should our level of enthusiasm or interest in continuing to post each day ever changes, we may have to reconsider. But, for now, we can no more imagine ending this process than we can in ending our world travels. 

We can only strive to be healthy, diligently watch our budget and be adaptable to the many nuances properties and locations present to us along the way. Nonetheless, we’ll always encounter situations that aren’t ideal.

A small pond near their house and the barns.  Soon, we’ll share photos of the pond outside our door of the “Pond Cottage.”

In this new location, a well-built former barn renovated to perfection still has some nuances which we must adjust to, primarily small things such as a difficult-to-navigate stairway to the second floor where the bedrooms and bathrooms are located.

There’s a tiny under-counter refrigerator that requires bending over to access (although there is, much to our delight, a separate under-counter freezer). The bed is somewhat low and not as comfortable as we’d like. To avoid being nitpicky, there are other small things not worthy of mentioning here.

John planted 600 sequoia seeds many years ago, and now there are over 400 trees.

But, we’re living on a gorgeous farm and in a beautiful house, and we appreciate being here more than we can say. The owners are over-the-top wonderful, and the nearby villagers are kind, welcoming, and friendly. We couldn’t ask for more.

Funnily, neither of us feel compelled to get out sightseeing right now as we’re immersed in the quiet solitude on this gorgeous property. Tomorrow we’ll head to Tiverton to check out the bigger of the villages in the area.

No doubt during our three weeks here, we’ll get out to see the local points of interest, most of which is beautiful scenery. There is so much to explore here at the farm that we can stay busy for days. Also, the hills and rolling terrain are ideal for me to build strength in my legs.

This is a young sequoia tree, but it may become as massive as many seen in Northern California in generations to come.  

Yesterday, our tour with John was exciting and informational. His and his lovely wife’s love of their farm is evident in every acre of land, the well-kept nature of every building, and the loving care of their barnyard animals. We’re honored to have the opportunity to be here, with them only a short distance away and all the beauty and wonder surrounding us.

Soon, we’re off to Exeter Airport to return the rental car and get another. We’re hoping the rain stops and the sun comes out so we can explore on the return drive.

May your Sunday be blessed with joy and wonder!

Photo from one year ago today, September 22, 2018:
“Gee…the eggs are all gone, but I think I’ll lay in the bowl to let them know we want more.” Bands of mongooses came to see us almost every day. Tom would scramble raw eggs for them and serve them in this bowl. When the eggs were gone, lying in the bowl was an excellent way to express their enthusiasm. For more details, please click here.


We’ve arrived in Tiverton, Witheridge, Devon…Another beautiful farm…Balance of Bodmin Moor photos…

An otter was lounging in the sun.

Fascinating Fact of the Day about Devon, Cornwall:
Devon is a county in southwest England. It encompasses sandy beaches, fossil cliffs, medieval towns, and moorland national parks. The English Riviera is a series of picturesque, south-coast harbor towns, including Torquay, Paignton, and Brixham. The South West Coast Path follows the coastline, taking in the towering cliffs of the northern Exmoor Coast and rock formations on the fossil-rich southern Jurassic Coast.”

The drive from Treveighan to Witheridge consisted of narrow roads requiring 30 turns, according to Maps. We only made one wrong turn when we encountered a detour and had to get back on track without a signal.
Although this bridge looks wide in the photo, it is only the width of one car.
Of course, I’d saved the directions on Maps, but with 70% of the country, roads unmarked, it was a guessing game. However, it’s a small price to pay for the opportunity to live in these four country homes in Cornwall, England, and the last, in Wales.
As we drove toward Witheridge, we encountered many historic stone houses.
When we arrived at Pond Cottage in Witheridge, the treat awaiting us was reminiscent of our arrival only two weeks ago at the Tredarupp farm after our fantastic two weeks overlooking the sea in Falmouth.
St Petrock & St Keri Church in Egloskerry, Launceston.
This visit to Cornwall, England, consisting of these shorter stays than we’ve been used to in many other countries throughout the world, may have sparked a new level of enthusiasm for both of us. Could this be our unique way of traveling the world, shorter stays but more locations to explore? We’re beginning to reframe our thinking.
On a narrow road, we carefully passed a woman on a horse.
As we further research our upcoming two-month trip to India in a little over four months, we’ve decided India will undoubtedly be an ideal location to live in four different areas giving us a broader view of the world than staying in one location for three months.
Bodmin Moor is a 208 square mile area.  Many farms adjoin the area.
This is not to say we’re sorry we’ve stayed three months (or more in a couple of cases) in various holiday homes. We were blissfully able to immerse ourselves in the culture and the community while gaining a sense of “belonging.” We have no regrets.
These birds remind us of the Helmeted Guineafowl we had in our garden in Marloth Park.
However, with the current reality of my ongoing heart condition, it makes sense to expand our horizons and see all that we can over the next few years until we can’t carry on, which is inevitable, based on our ages.
A common Fallow deer, often seen in the wild in the UK.
We haven’t unpacked. We took out the single plastic bag with the bare minimum of toiletries and could riffle through the blue bag if we needed something additional. The bulk of our clothing remains in our luggage after we’ve dug out the few items we’ll wear in the three weeks we’ll spend here.
The grounds at Tamar Wildlife Centre are tree-lined with lush vegetation.
The most significant part of the unpacking here was putting away the foodstuffs we brought with us, both perishable and non-perishable. But, this was no more time-consuming than a return trip from the supermarket.  
Not indigenous to the UK, there are several wallabies in the open wildlife area.
We won’t have to shop over the weekend based on what we have on hand, although I’m looking forward to doing so by Monday when we’ll have a chance to explore further in Tiverton, one of the larger villages in the area.
A wallaby and possibly here, joey.
In tomorrow’s post, we’ll share photos of our new location. We’ll travel to Exeter Airport at noon to drop off the current rental car and execute a new one-month agreement.  We’re planning to keep the exact vehicle, if possible since it easily holds our bags.

This morning we awoke to the sounds of the ducks and geese and roosters crowing in the pond the house overlooks. Soon, we’ll tour the property with the owner taking photos to share tomorrow.

Enjoy your Saturday!
Photo from one year ago today, September 21, 2018:
No expression on this cape buffalo’s face can more clearly illustrate his disdain over the hot weather and lack of water nearby. For more photos, please click here.