In the past week, we made a few errors which a few readers kindly corrected. One was the birds in yesterday’s post when I described two birds at a golf course as Red-headed Herons when they were Sandhill Cranes. The second was the date the Titanic sank. I posted May 31, 1012, when it was April 15, 1912.
In both cases, I researched online, and in both cases, I noted the wrong information. Not everything we find online is accurate, as we so well know. Besides, I’m not exempt from typing incorrectly or inadvertently assuming information that may be inaccurate. In any case, I appreciate the correction and take no offense.

Writing a daily post such as this is bound to have errors, typos, inaccuracies, grammar and spelling errors, assumptions, and the relaying of inaccurate information I may have found online. Although, on a day-to-day basis, I try to be as accurate as possible.
The most frustrating error I face daily is paragraph spacing. In most cases, I cannot correct them, although I continue to try. Also, copying and pasting an article or photo from another source often impacts the format of my entire post, making specific corrections impossible.
In those cases, I decide the content I am adding is more important, removing the formatting errors, and I let it fly. These incidents slow me down; preparing a post often takes an hour or longer than usual.

Another issue we face with our posts is redundancy, described as follows:
In linguistics, a redundancy is information that is expressed more than once. Examples of redundancies include multiple agreement features in morphology, multiple features distinguishing phonemes in phonology, or the use of various words to describe a single idea in rhetoric.”
It would be tough to avoid redundancy after writing almost 4000 posts (we’re at 3956 today) over the past 11 years. In the first few years, we didn’t do a post daily, but as time passed, we decided daily was more meaningful. Besides, doing it daily made it easier for me to be consistent and motivated rather than writing sporadically.

To avoid redundancy, I’m not making a big deal here of our 32nd anniversary of meeting on this date in 1991. In the past, I’ve written and posted photos about this special day (for us), but today, we’ll enjoy it among ourselves. It’s funny, but this date has more meaning for us than our wedding anniversary of March 7, 1995, neither date of which has as much meaning as the anniversary date of the beginning of our world travels, October 31, 2012.
The anniversary date of our world travels represents so much for us, our choice of freedom to decide how we live our lives, a powerful sense of adventure, the continuing challenges that test our resiliency and adaptability, and the opportunity to experience the cultures, wildlife, nature, people, and scenery. We are truly blessed and grateful.

It looks like we won’t be going out today. There is wild thunder, lightning, wind, and rain. It makes no sense to go out in the golf cart today.
Be well.
Photo from ten years ago today, June 28, 2013: