Day #209 in lockdown in Mumbai, India hotel…Package delivery from hell…

    Moments before, it rained in the Maasai Mara. Tom captured the clouds rolling in at precisely the right moment. Wow, Tom!

Today’s photos are from the post in 2013 while returning from safari to Diani Beach, Kenya. For more on this date, please click here.

In July, it all began when we ordered supplies from the US to be sent from our mailing service in Las Vegas, Nevada, to our hotel in Mumbai, India. Our new second passports are included in that box, which we’d applied for while in the US last November.

Upon arriving at the landing strip, this tiny plane was the only one in sight.  Then I knew this was Edwin’s plane, and we’d be flying in it once again.
 Note: On Monday, for those of our readers finally receiving the daily posts, we are in the process of changing the look of these emails to be more consistent with the look of our site and reducing the number of posts in each email from five to one, as we had in the past when using Blogger as opposed to WordPress which we’re using now. Only through your kind comments and support can we make our site as user-friendly and appealing as possible. Thank you for this, and of course, for continuing to share in our daily updates.

OK. Here goes. Another package from hell story and folks, as I’ve promised Tom, our last. We will no longer be ordering favorite items we need from the US, not now and not in our future travels, providing someday we can get out of here. The most recent and LAST package was sent from our mailing service on July 28, FedEx Express. 

For the first leg of the flight, Tom and I were on the plane with Edwin. Edwin prepared for takeoff while I was sitting behind the empty co-pilot’s seat. Tom sat behind me so he, too, could look out the window.

Since we had several items in the box of varying values, I insured the package for INR 73,443, US $1000, probably more than the value of its contents, but I rounded it off. We could recover the INR 29377, US $400, shipping fees, plus the contents if they were lost. That was my second mistake, the first being sending the package in itself. I shouldn’t have insured it at all, which I will explain going forward.

FedEx in India is not like the dependable, efficient FedEx in the US and perhaps some other countries. Here, you can call for help and be on hold for hours, never to reach a human being. I am sure part of this was due to COVID-19, but from what we’ve discovered, as businesses have now opened up here, the process for receiving a package is horrendous.

Approaching the landing strip to pick up seven more passengers, most complaining they hadn’t seen the Big Five. We kept our mouths shut when we’d seen the Big 5 in the first 10 hours on safari.

It was only about three weeks ago, after sending dozens of email messages, that we were informed we needed to submit several documents, including passport bio and back pages, a letter from the hotel, and our visa documents. Why all this to receive a package? It’s obvious. They certainly went through the box to view the contents. Why all this?

Then, while still in Delhi after 2½ months, it finally went through customs to determine a customs duty. Regardless of the contents, they assessed the contents for the insured US $1000, with a duty tax of INR 71364, US $974, including some arbitrary COVID-19 processing fee. In other words, we had to pay this horrific amount to receive the box based on my declaration of the insured contents. My faux pas, entirely.

Control panel of the single-engine plane.

Then, on top of that, there was virtually nowhere online that we could pay this amount in advance. The only way to pay was to do a bank transfer. While sitting in the lobby yesterday, with the help of the beautiful hotel manager, Umesh, I was on the phone with our bank in the US trying to do the transfer but, FedEx India’s SWIFT number wouldn’t work through a US bank account. 

Oh, good grief, I was sitting down there for over an hour with no air con in the open lobby, temperature around 90F, 32C, wearing a mask and gloves and sweating up a storm while the FedEx guy had the package in his truck and wouldn’t deliver it until we paid.

A breathtaking view from the plane.

Our fantastic hotel manager offered to pay out of his bank account, for which I could pay him, but that didn’t work either due to the SWIFT account issue. Frustrated, we both racked our brains. We needed INR 71364, US $974, in cash. Who carries that many rupees in their possession? Not us. That’s a lot of bills.

When we first arrived in India and tried to get some money, we had to go to several ATMs when they only dispensed INR 10000 maximum per transaction in India. We have two debit cards, and this would mean four different ATMs. Finally, after multiple sweaty attempts to figure this out, I told Umesh we had no choice but to go to ATMs to get the cash.

As we flew over Diani Beach, the smoke from burning fires clouded the view. In Kenya, there’s no ban on burning often resulting in toxic fumes filling the air.

Plus, when we got here many moons ago, we tried five or six ATMs on the weekend, and all of them were out of cash. I imagined yesterday, Saturday, we’d run into the same problem. Umesh and I took off in the hotel’s van heading to the closest bank ATM expecting more luck at an indoor bank facility, and they were out of cash!!!

We drove to another bank ATM, five minutes away in dense, noisy traffic. The walk up to the second bank’s ATM room was treacherous, with uneven clumps of cement in an undefined walkway. I hung onto Umesh for dear life.

The miracle of all miracles, the two machines in that tiny room, allowed me to make eight transactions, each at the cost of INR 200, US $2.72. I used both mine and Tom’s debit cards four times each. With the Africa bag in my possession, including a plastic bag to hold the enormous number of bills, a sense of relief washed over me as we made our way back to the hotel.

A final view of the King of Jungle. Thank you, lions. We were never disappointed, continually offering an opportunity for a close-up and the chance to observe their playful antics and instinctual behaviors.

Umesh called the FedEx guy to return to the hotel with the package, at which point I met him in the lobby while he counted out the money, gave me a receipt, and placed the 8.62 kg, 19-pound box onto the hotel luggage trolley. One of the staff members brought the package up to our room.

We’ve yet to open the box after waiting 48 hours to handle it. A sufficient amount of time would have passed if there was COVID-19 outside the box or the interior contents from inspection.

Enough about that! We won’t be writing any more posts about delayed packages in the future. We’re done ordering stuff from the US. 

Well, anyway, we’re emotionally recovered from that debacle and can now go back to the debacle on hand!

Be well!

Photo from one year ago today, October 18, 2019:

In this case, in Chepstow Castle ruins, the presence of vines created such a pleasing effect that it remained in place over the centuries. For more photos, please click here.