New hotel differences with photos…

Breakfast here was better than at the Hyatt, with bacon and cheese served with eggs and other items.

This morning, I intended to take photos of this hotel using my new phone’s camera. It turned out that it was raining hard when we walked across the parking lot to the cafe, and I didn’t bring my phone to avoid getting it wet. Instead, I went online looking for images I could use and had trouble uploading them since they weren’t in the proper format, and I couldn’t format them for posting on our site, except for the three photos we’re showing today.

Instead, we had breakfast in the cafe, which was better than the breakfast at the Hyatt, a hotel we prefer in many other ways. This extended stay won’t be as hard as during the lockdown in Mumbai, India, for ten months since we can get out, dine out, shop, and do our laundry with machines instead of hand washing clothes in the shower, as we did then.

We are grateful for all of this. The bed is only a queen, but we did fine last night, and both slept pretty well. The bathroom is enormous, much bigger than it needs to be, but there are no drawers for our clothes, only a tiny closet with ample hangers. The kitchen is good. Having a full kitchen is nice, but since I don’t feel like cooking, it may not be essential for us.

This kitchen is great for our needs, with a full-sized stove, dishwasher, refrigerator, and microwave.

Cheryl, one of our dear readers, sent a thoughtful email with numerous suggestions for leisurely meals, which I greatly appreciate. However, these suggestions would require me to do some planning. Thank you, Cheryl, for thinking of us. After Tom and I discussed meal options, the most leisurely meals for me to prepare include a big salad, rice for Tom (he makes that), and some meat such as steak, pork, burgers, chicken with seafood, and fish for me. We can do this.

Since we are heading to Billy’s for dinner with some family members tonight, we won’t be grocery shopping until tomorrow so that we will make our first meal in the new kitchen for tomorrow night’s dinner. We’ve eaten out many nights this past week, and a home-cooked meal would be nice.

Last night, we went to dinner with Greg, Heather, Maisie, Miles, Madighan, and her boyfriend Aiden at an excellent Mexican restaurant in Chanhassen, Rey Azteca. After dinner, we headed to Chanhassen High School to attend Madighan’s choir performance. It was sweet to see and hear her and her classmates perform a litany of songs conducted by their music teacher, who had a lively personality.

This is the layout of our first-floor hotel room.

After it was over, I was anxious to return to the hotel and put my feet up. As my condition progresses, I am experiencing some symptoms I hadn’t had a few months ago. I can only hope it doesn’t worsen over the next few months. I am doing everything I can to stay as healthy as possible.

This hotel has guest laundry facilities, which, in this case, are coin-operated. After breakfast this morning, we did a week’s laundry, folded it, and returned it to the suitcase we are sharing. The remainder of our “stuff,” including more clothes, are still in the car in other pieces of luggage. At this point, there’s no need to get into the other suitcases. We repeatedly wash the same clothes to avoid digging into the different bags.

Once settled in Cleveland, we’ll open all the bags and try to put everything away, if possible. I won’t need many clothes since I mostly wear pajama bottoms and tee shirts once I am out of the hospital. At some point, I’ll purchase the items I’ll need.

We’re staying put until it’s time to leave for Billy’s at 2:45. Only a few sisters will be there tonight since Patty and Colleen are both sick.

Have a pleasant and safe Memorial weekend for our family and friends in the US. We’ll be back with more tomorrow.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, May 24, 2014:

The pink clouds over the ocean in Madeira were quite a vision. For more photos, please click here.