Yesterday afternoon, at 4:30 pm, 1630 hrs., we met up with readers/friends from California who made a week-long stop in Marloth Park /Kruger National Park to conduct volunteer work through their church in the US, in other African countries over the next several weeks. It’s always enjoyable for us to meet readers when they stop in Marloth Park, often inspired by our overly enthusiastic posts about how amazing it is to be here in this magical place.

Pam and Elden are a lovely couple, married a few years longer than us, who have extensively traveled the world, some for Elden’s work in construction, some for volunteer work, and much for the pleasure of experiencing many of the fantastic places to visit in the world. We had great stories to share of countries we’ve mutually visited over the years.

We shared many similar experiences in countries rich in culture and history, and they also savor the unique and unusual over the typical tourist traps. Of course, they were enthralled with the wildlife and had some stunning Kruger game drives, including spotting a rhino. We were happy for them. After all the horrific poaching that has transpired, we haven’t seen a rhino in Kruger in a few years.

The food at Amazing Kruger View doesn’t hold a candle to Jabula, where we’ll head on out tonight and again tomorrow night. We thoroughly enjoy our new plan to dine there twice over the weekends as of a few weeks ago. We’ll leave our schedule flexible for other social events as they pop up on weekends, and if something comes up, we’ll reschedule Friday or Saturday for another day of the week.
We’ve found the cost of dining out is not much more than what we spend on groceries. Currently, with inflation and increased costs of quality meat, poultry, and fish, which we eat the most, instead of sugary, starchy foods. With the rand’s devaluation awful over the last several months, we’ve been able to eat out at Jabula for no more than US $34, ZAR 624 per night.

Our average daily grocery bill right now is US 27, ZAR 496.39. The bills for Jabula include food, drinks, tax, and tip for the two of us. Considering we may have sundowners at home on the veranda, the actual difference may be as little as US $4, ZAR 73.50. Do you see why it makes sense for us to dine out, especially when it’s hot with load-shedding issues?
Besides, we get a massive dose of love from Dawn, Leon, and David, the rest of their staff, and of course, all the locals who stop by to chat and hang out at the bar. It’s a very special time for us each week.

I just took a break from doing today’s post so we could head to the Marlothi Centre to buy lettuce, carrots, cabbage, and bananas. We’ve decided not to grocery shop until next week since we have enough food to get us through the next several days. After the little store, we stopped to see Louise and Danie, which was a delightful hour of lively conversation.
Back at the house at 1:00 pm, 1300 hrs., load shedding just started and will last a few hours. Before we know it, we’ll be getting ready to go out tonight. I just took the last dose of the antibiotic.

The head pain is gone, but the facial pain is only when I gently touch my left cheek. Weird. It’s got to be nerve pain from the long-term sinus infection. For now, I prefer to see if time will resolve it. I am tired of being on medication and feeling out of sorts. I still have two more days of Prednisone. But the low dose I changed to a few days ago, has allowed me to sleep well once again, which is therapeutic in itself.
We hope you are having a good day and are feeling well and cheerful.
Photo from one year ago today, October 21, 2021: