The “but,” as mentioned in the headline, is that I didn’t have a headache all day for the past two days until around 4:00 pm 1600 hrs. I am trying to figure out what causes it to return in the late afternoon, but I need to wait a few more days to discover a pattern.
In the interim, we’ve been working on resolving the problem with our WiFi, and after three techs were here late yesterday and we still couldn’t stream last night, I’ve concluded that the router is too far away from the bedroom. The router is located upstairs on the second floor to facilitate the “smart TV” and its Netflix account, which we never use.

As mentioned yesterday, I prefer not to use the stairs at night since we’re often in the dark due to load shedding. However, the router is too far from the bedroom to provide a good enough signal for us to stream. Why this has changed in the past month, we’ll never know. But, right now, this is a logical solution.
I ran an online test called Speed Test. Just type “speed test” into your address bar, and it will tell you the quality of your connection. It’s free, and there are no advertisers nor a sign-up required. When I tried to run the test in the bedroom, it didn’t even register due to a poor signal.

Louise called Tech Connect to have them send out a technician to move the router to our bedroom on the main floor so we can stream at night. Last night, we tried watching a show on Amazon Prime, and it cut out every 30 to 45 seconds. Very annoying. We quit trying after a while. Also, other users in the area are using the nearby tower at night, which slows down the signal. This makes all the sense in the world.
In the next 15 minutes, I will hear back from Tech Connect regarding when they can move the router. It will require a hole in the wall or ceiling. I just received a Whatsapp call from them, and they will be arriving sometime this afternoon. Hopefully, by tonight, we will have a suitable signal and be able to stream our favorite shows.

We’d hoped to go to Kruger this week, especially since my head has felt a little better, but now, for the second day, we have to stay put to wait for the technician to come to the house. We have no problem with this if the issues get resolved today.
We have wanted to go to Kruger, but with the headache, the thought of moving my head back and forth across the road, searching for wildlife, hasn’t been too appealing. We can do it in the next few days.

Our dear friend Leon is thankfully out of the hospital and on the mend from the blood clot in his leg. We’ve been in touch every day, and it’s been great to hear his voice. We will give him a few days to rest and see him on Friday evening. I am baking a special treat to bring to him.
Currently, Tech Connect’s internet service is down in the entire area, so I can keep typing but will lose everything if I don’t copy and paste what I’ve written so far into a Word document. Ah, the challenges are many, but we’re holding up.
With the WiFi issues we have today, I am signing off now. Hopefully, by tomorrow, things will be better.
Be well.
Photo from one year ago today, November 8, 2021: