It’s already 11:00 am, and I have to leave here by Uber in less than 90 minutes. It doesn’t leave me much time to focus on today’s post. Please bear with me as I’m rushing through it since I’d like to get my exercising done before I leave since I don’t expect to return until about 4:00 pm from my 1:45 pm appoi’tment.
I was advised to arrive at 1:15 to complete a pile of paperwork. I hope it’s online rather than paper copies since my handwriting is illegible. Subsequently, I’ll have to arrange my Uber by 12:15 since its about a 25 minute drive to the clinic. I’d requested an appointment at their nearby clinic, but the only appointment available was at a further distance near the center of Henderson. Most likely, I’ll get there about 15 minutes early but that’s ok. I can always play with my phone while waiting.
This morning I prepped everything for tonight’s dinner except the bacon for Tom’s bunless cheeseburger (plus rice and salad) which we can cook while the burgers are cooking. Again tonight, I’m having a ground chicken burger, delicious topped with homemade sugar-free ketchup, onion and tomato with salad on the side.
Last night, I awoke several times but overall I managed to get in eight hours, much to my surprise. I feel good, so it’s weird to go to a doctor, but it’s a must-do now. Once there, I will book my next appointment which will consist of a variety of tests including the most important cardiac ultrasound to determine the status of my heart valves.
It’s hard to believe we’ll be leaving here in 27 days. Our rental in Apache Junction begins on April 1, and we’ll leave here the same day. Our rental agreement ended on March 31, but the kindly owner Zoltan said we could leave on the morning of the first, which works prefectly for us.
Zoltan has been a fantastic landlord/owner. Here is the link to this wonderful property. Without a doubt, we’ll make a point of staying in his condo next time we come to Nevada. As our regular readers know, we have loved it here, especially when we haven’t needed a car with either easy delivery for anything we may need plus a plethora of shops and restaurants down one flight of stairs from our floor.
Sure, today and next week, I’ll have to pay for Ubers for both cardiology appointments, which for two days of round trips could total $200. But at a rate of about $40 a day for a rental car, it is a small price to pay. If we’d had a car, most likely, it would have been sitting in the parking garage most days. In total, during all of our time here, we’ll have spent no more than $800 for Uber when three months of a rental car would have been over $3600. It was a no-brainer.
Today, in the next few days, we’ll book a rental car for March 30 to April 2 for our drive to Apache Junction and decide once there what we’ll do about a car during the five or six weeks we’ll be there when Tom’s sisters have offered the use of their cars that they seldom use. We may do just that, insisting they take some cash from us, which surely they’ll resist doing.
The washer just finished. I need to hang the towels on the rack and then get started on my exercises.
Thanks to many of our readers who’ve sent messages wishing me good luck at the appointments. It’s so appreciated knowing you are thinking of me.
Be well.
Photo from ten years ago today, March 5, 2014: