Today is the day to set up Tom’s new device. I’ll start the process as soon as I finish today’s post. Since his old laptop is a Chromebook with everything on the drive, it will be easy to do but will require some time with all the apps he uses, which I’ll have to add one at a time. With his new device, he will be returning to using Windows, which we both prefer.
We wanted to watch the Masters Golf Tournament, ending today, but we would have had to sign up for Showtime. on the Roku TV, a service we aren’t interested in paying $11.95 a month as an add-on to Paramount+, which we already have. We’ve already used all the 7-day free trials they allow, and at this late point in the golf tournament, it’s not worth committing to another streaming service.
Also, we were curious to see if Tiger Woods had a chance, but we’ve heard his chances are non-existent at this point. I feel bad for him after his injury, which resulted in him struggling to maintain his standings in tournaments. But the guy amazes us with his determination to continue. Tom suggested he’s being paid substantial sums to play, although he’s not likely to win when he draws such huge crowds, which may be the case.
Speaking of sports, which I apologize for mentioning since it has nothing to do with world travel, except for the fact that we encounter enthusiasm in most countries over soccer, rugby, football, tennis, and more, especially in South Africa, where most of the population are major sports fans. It’s fun to see their excitement over games and playoffs.
While we’re on the subject of playoffs, my favorite sports team, the Las Vegas Golden Knight hockey team, last year’s winners of the coveted Stanley Cup, has made it into the playoffs, which begins on Monday, April 22. I signed up for their app, and we can stream all of the games while we’re here and when we get to Minnesota. The hockey league’s playoffs last for quite a while.
As for the rest for today, we’ll most likely stay in today and tonight. Last evening, when we brought dinner and salad to Colleen’s, seven of us had a good time, ending in more time playing Buck Euchre. By 9:30, I was ready to return to the park model and hunker down for the night.
I sat in the living room for a few hours, streaming a few shows until I finally needed to sleep. I heard Tom return around 2:30 am. He crawled into bed a short time later and slept until around 8:00 am. I am happy he’s enjoying quality time with his sisters, reminiscing about their childhood and youth.
I’ve heard their stories many times in the past since I’ve been around for almost 33 years, but it’s fun to see how animated and lively they become sharing their history. The voices and laughing are loud and playful, always interspersed with teasing and laughter. It’s fun to see.
I saved a pan of last night’s dinner for us for tonight’s dinner. All I have to do is make a salad to go with it. So far, this morning, I’ve done half of my daily walking and will soon do the yoga exercises for the day. It’s been easy for me to commit to this daily schedule, knowing how important it is for my health as I prepare for what’s coming down the road.
Enjoy your Sunday, and be well.
Photo from ten years ago today, April 14, 2014: