“It’s all a part of nature,” they say…It still hurts…More Kruger photos…

Check out those long eyelashes.
“Sighting of the Day in the Bush”
A vulture is on the lookout for a meal.

We often see videos on YouTube, at Marloth Park’s and Kruger National Park’s websites and Facebook pages and other locations that depict horrific photos of wildlife being captured and subsequently eaten by apex predators.

Their graceful beauty is breathtaking.
Often comments are made by viewers after such postings stating, “It’s all a part of nature.” Recently on the Marloth Park Sighting page on Facebook, there was a photo of a still-living young bushbuck being strangled by a massive python preparing to consume it. 

The little bushbuck’s legs were kicking at its last moments of life. Sure, the person who’d found this sighting surely was pleased to have witnessed such a scenario first hand, right here in Marloth Park.
She noticed us watching her from the dirt road.

There’s no doubt had we encountered such a sighting, we’d also have taken photos and posted them. And, yes, it is a part of life worthy of sharing with others who appreciate and love nature including the good and bad it has to offer.  

Giraffe mom and baby.

Most assuredly, some who see such a photo would find it “cool” with no emotion attached to their response. It all depends on one’s attachment and love of nature that precipitates a human response.

Oftentimes, I’ve shed tears watching the brutal slaughter of animals for human consumption. My life-saving diet requires I consume meat, fish, chicken, and other animals (I refuse to eat any of the animals we see in Marloth Park or on safari). Otherwise, I’d only be able to eat eggs and non-starchy vegetables, not providing sufficient nutrition for survival.

Generally, giraffes don’t bend much to eat although they must in order to drink. On occasion, they find certain bushes appealing requiring them to bend to graze.

The reality for those with religious or scientific beliefs is the fact that animals, by our higher power or other beliefs, were placed on this earth to provide sustenance for other carnivorous creatures including humans.  Otherwise, why would ours and their bodies have been designed to consume food as a herbivore, omnivore, or carnivore?

For example, cows have four stomachs as described here: “The cow has four stomachs and undergoes a special digestive process to break down the tough and coarse food it eats. When the cow first eats, it chews the food just enough to swallow it. The unchewed food travels to the first two stomachs, the rumen, and the reticulum, where it is stored until later.”

Another bird of prey on a search for a meal.
Cows are herbivores only meant to consume plants and grasses.  In this world today, for pure greed, cows are often fed animal by-products as described here:
“The advent of “mad cow” disease (also known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy or BSE) raised international concern about the safety of feeding rendered cattle to cattle. Feed for any food animal can contain cattle manure, swine waste, and poultry litter.” This goes against nature.
I’m not on a “political soapbox” on this topic. I’m simply stating that yes, animals and humans may be intended to eat according to their status as a herbivore, omnivore or carnivore.  
Wildebeest grazing in the bush.
Although the sighting of the python and the bushbuck shook us to the core, this is the reality of being a part of this magical wildlife environment. With it comes the fact that we’ll be witnessing, from time to time, a sad scene such as this. How we respond to it is entirely up to the individual, their level of compassion, and their core beliefs.  
For us, we don’t simply brush it off as “nature at its finest.”  In essence, we humans could say when an elder passes away, “It’s the way nature intended it to be.” But this doesn’t diminish nor negate the fact that we loved that person and our hearts are broken over losing them.  
If all of us could embrace life, whether human or animal, with compassion and love we wouldn’t be facing the extinction of many animals in the wild or the inhumane treatment of those that are a part of the food chain, the harsh reality of the sustenance of life itself.
A vulture spreading its wings in the treetop.
Now that I have this off my chest, on to other topics of discussion. Please feel free to write in our comments section your views. We’ll happily respond and share them with our worldwide readers.
Last night’s dinner with friend Don and his kindly brother Kieth, proved to be a stupendous evening. Having prepared much of the meal in advance, we had considerable time to spend with our guests and it was purely delightful.
Tonight, we’ll be dining on great leftovers, and on the veranda for another fine evening in the bush. By the way, I just got an email from our friend Don that one of the two lionesses we spotted at “Two Trees” today, (coincidentally running into Don and Keith there) killed an impala and are dining in the sand. Hmmm…
Have a beautiful day!

Photo from one year ago today, September 10, 2017:

From Part 2 of Toledo Coffee tour in Costa Rica: These dark beans were as a result of the end of the roasting cycle, created the darkest roast which much to our surprise contained the least caffeine. The light roast, produced at the beginning of the roasting cycle contains the highest levels of caffeine. (See our above video) Who knew?  For more details, please click here.