Clarification about our posts for new readers…One year ago, sick from a salad in Marrakech…

There it is, a section of Hideaway’s Beach we discovered when the sun appeared for a few hours, a few days ago.

When we were at the Full Moon Party a few nights ago, a few people we met mentioned they’d seen our site and were confused as to why people like us, traveling the world, we’re writing so much about Kauai, day after day.

For those of our readers who’ve been with us either from the beginning in 2012 or somewhere in between, it makes sense that we’re writing about Kauai every day. But, for those coming in at this point, it may not make sense as to why world travelers don’t talk about anything but Kauai.

The answer is simple, although we do understand why a new reader may have been baffled.  We always write about where we are at any given time. 

The final path down to Hideaway’s Beach, no longer paved.

On May 24th, we’ll begin writing about the cruise as it occurs on our way from Honolulu to Sydney for 18 days and then about Trinity Beach, Australia where we’ll live for 89 days. We’ll continue from there for our upcoming two-plus years in the South Pacific. Later, when we book beyond that period, we’ll post from wherever we may be at any given time

That’s how that works. At times, as you’ll see, we do mention other places we’ve traveled with links the reader can click to take them back to those other places and times.

For the new reader, we have archives of every single prior post from March 14, 2012, to the present, listed on the right side of the daily post, noting the years, months, and each post’s general topic. All that is necessary to read any of these is to click on the year, then the month, then the post. 

These above-ground roots are odd.

It’s easy to go back to the beginning and read, but you wonder how to note where you left off. You can bookmark the last post you read and scroll down to the next one when you return. If you have any trouble with this, please let me know and I’ll be happy to assist using bullet point instructions. Please don’t hesitate to ask.

As for the advertisers on our site, located on the right of any day’s newest post, we kindly ask our readers to click on any of the services provided if you have a need for any of these services or products. 

We use them frequently. The prices are the same as if you went directly to the advertiser’s website and we get a tiny commission if you book a trip, a hotel, rental car, or purchase products. Plus, you can use points, coupons, or any other discounts you may have available. 

Looking down from the last section of the path to Hideaway’s Beach.

We never intended to make a lot of money from these, nor will we, but the small revenue they generate helps pay a little of our web management costs. We appreciate any help we can get. Thanks to those of you who use them on occasion.

Posting comments is easy. At the end of each daily post, you’ll see what looks like a pencil after it says “Posted by Jessica” at so and so time of the day. Click that pencil and you’ll be able to post a question, comment, or tell us anything you’d like to share with our worldwide readers. If you choose, you can post anonymously without mention of your name. Of you may include your name. You decide.

As for our response to comments: Generally, we respond within 24 hours or less except on travel days when we may not have access to the internet for a day or so. Once we’re settled, we’ll respond promptly. We do not reply to negative ranting, politically motivated comments, or hate mail. This is a place of wonder and joy, and like my Facebook page (feel free to friend me) I avoid whining and complaining and never make negative comments, personal comments, or negative observations about others.

The seawater was so clear we could see little fish swimming in this tide pool.

Sending us email: Both of our email addresses are posted above the photo on the right side of the daily post, of us in Petra.  All email you send is kept confidential unless its something you’d like us to share. We always ask before posting specific email comments and await your response before mentioning them online. 

Receiving auto-email with our daily posts:  Below the “search” box on the right side of the page below the advertisers, is a box that says, ” SIGN UP TO NEWSLETTER.If you sign up here, you will receive each new post in your email each day. You’ll never have to look for our link again. You’ll click the link in the email and then delete the email. Easy. Also, you can use this email to send the link to a friend who may enjoy our site by simply forwarding the email to them with a short comment from you suggesting they read it.

The “Search” box on the right side of the page. Let’s say you are looking for every recipe or a specific recipe we’ve posted since the beginning. Go to the search box and type in “recipe.” You’ll see a list of every post we’ve written with the word “recipe” in it. Some may have been just a mention of the word recipe. But many will contain actual recipes. If you can’t find something, email us and we’ll locate it for you.

The few hours of sunshine was so exciting after days of clouds and rain. Today, the sun is peeking out and if it holds, we’ll soon head to the pool.

Please keep in mind that I’ve also posted some “not so good for you” old recipes of our that are not gluten, starch, grain, and sugar-free. Not everyone cares for our way of eating so from time to time we post an old favorite.

Copying our photos: On occasion, a reader asks if they can use one of our photos in one way or another. Feel free to do so but please, if possible, put a link to our site in case the observer is curious as to the source. This is not necessary for use of our photos as screen savers or for your personal use, only if you put it out there on the web for publication. We try to provide the same courtesy to other’s photos and videos we post, when possible.

Guest blogger: If you have a story to tell and would like us to post it, please let us know via email after you’ve written it and if you’d like it to be posted in a daily post rather than as a comment. We’ll review the story and if appropriate for our site, we’ll post it. The same with special photos you’ve taken or even videos you’ve made.  However, please don’t send us photos or videos belonging to others.

The waves were picking up while we were there.

Many new readers start at today’s post and continue from there, preferring not to go back to the past. However, some amazing experiences have been told and shown in photos in the past with many more yet to come. After all, health providing, we have an entire world out there we’ve yet to see which we’ll share every step along the way.

Some readers read several posts at once and come back weeks or months later to catch up or perhaps, not at all. It’s all personal preference and however, it works for you is fine for us. We often hear from readers saying that each morning they grab their cup of coffee or tea, sit down at their kitchen table, and read our new post.  Others have said they read it while doing cardio at the health club, or laying in bed at night reading it on their phone. We appreciate hearing how it works for you. Please, do tell.

Sharing our posts: Although our lives are not as “juicy” as a soap opera, the concept of a continuing story appeals to many. We’ve found that we prefer TV shows with a single story that continues through the season. 

These funny looking furry pods were all over the ground when we sat down on a bench overlooking the sea at Hideaway’s Beach.

As is the case with our posts, an ongoing dialogue, hence “blog” of the story of our worldwide travels without a home or a base to return to, owning no car, no storage facility and only three suitcases, a duffle bag (dirty laundry) and a computer bag. That’s all we physically own. 

This oddity may appeal to folks you know who are armchair travelers, curious as to the expenses of such travel, or world travelers themselves comparing locations and experiences. Please share our posts with those you know who may find it interesting enough for a single day’s read or perhaps a long term read.

Thanks to our experienced readers for letting us share that which you already knew from reading here and for reading here. And, thanks to our new readers for stopping by, whether for a day or for years to come. We appreciate every one of you.

It’s Friday, time to rev up for the weekend ahead. Whatever you may do, enjoy it with gusto. Tomorrow’s our 20th wedding anniversary but it will be like every other day, worth celebrating!

                                               Photo from one year ago today, March 6, 2014:

Foolish me. It was this salad I ate, the only item on the menu that fit my way of eating, in a restaurant in the Medina in Marrakesh, that caused me a dreadful intestinal illness lasting almost a month. Finally, I succumbed taking a round of Cipro. Within hours, as I felt my mouth become dry, I knew I was on the mend. Only a few days later I was totally well. Of course, I never ate another salad or raw vegetables in Marrakesh again. You’d think I would have known this when our prior six months were spent in South Africa and Kenya. But, in those countries, we only dined in fine resorts and never became ill. For details from that day’s story and some amazing photos, please click here.