Today’s only photo (please excuse my redundancy) is again repeated from our post on this date in 2013 when Dr. David Perlmutter (one of many research studies here at this link) posted a story about my success with a low carb/keto way of eating. For our full story from that date, please see our link here.
Today’s story is by no means intended to “toot my own horn” or elicit praise or recognition from any of our readers. My purpose is solely to inspire others who may have been considering some lifestyle changes to improve health, reduce symptoms of inflammatory disease and reduce the likelihood of cognitive issues often affecting seniors and, in some cases, those in mid-life or younger.
If only one person reads today’s post and is inspired to read and follow Dr. David Perlmutter, the New York Times Best Selling Author of the books listed below, my message would be worthwhile. I apologize for the repeated story for those not interested, but perhaps you may pass on some of this priceless information to someone you know or love.
Photo from one year ago today, November 5, 2019:
Pirate ship attracts tourists at the port in Bermuda. For more photos, please click here. |