Happy New Year!…Video from Sydney Harbour Bridge…Making errors throughout the year…

View from a local beach, on a stroll around the country.

This morning for the first time in a year, we posted “Photo from one year ago today, January 1, 2016” that indicated “2016” as opposed to “2015.” We’ll see how long it takes for me to make an error and post 2015 in this daily highlight regarding a photo from the prior year.

It is easy to make mistakes while writing each day of the year. Since we began our trips in October 2012, we’ve published the following posts for every year:

There are many ponds on the farmland.

2012 – 159 posts
2013 – 346 posts
2014 – 376 posts
2015 – 365 posts
2016 – 373 posts

With our goal of posting once a day, why did we post less than 365 times in 2013?   It was at the halfway point of 2013 that we decided to publish daily.

Why did we spend more than 365 days a year in 2014 and 2016? First, 2016 was a leap year, which added one more day on February 29. Secondly, when we’ve flown or cruised frequently we often posted a short blurb earlier in the day, later uploading a more comprehensive post.

Recently planted agricultural field for hotter summer weather.

As for errors, they’re inevitable. As much as we’d prefer to be “error free” no matter how much proof reading, we conduct, we easily miss typos, grammar errors and my nemesis, paragraph spacing issues.

We’ll start with the paragraph spacing issues. Blogger has a faulty system. Posting multiple photos have an impact on the ability of users to correct line and paragraph spacing. 

Farmland on a sun-drenched day.

In addition, when the Wi-Fi connection is slow, the spacing of lines and paragraphs becomes a major problem. If there is one thing that takes the most of my time, it is to try to correct the spacing. It’s not so much a problem with other blog publishing programs like WordPress. 

Why aren’t we moving from Blogger to WordPress? We’d lose all of our stats and have to begin again, perhaps losing many of our past posts. As an avid “numbers cruncher” and stats fanatic, this would be awful. So we used Blogger, hoping that one day they will make changes to impact this one area of concern.

View of our vacation home from a nearby park. (Similar image shown recently).

Beside the paragraph spacing issue, we make plenty of errors. I can read and reread a post several times. Once I upload the post, within moments, Tom is busy reading through every word and photo caption. There is rarely an occasion when he doesn’t find any errors which I immediately correct per his suggestions. 

At times, I’m appalled by the nature of an error. How did I not see this when reviewing the post? I suppose it’s human nature. We easily miss mistakes we’ve made. That’s why they’re called mistakes.

Mom and her colt. 

As the New Year rolled in last night, while we watched the festivities in Sydney on TV for which we’ve included the this fabulous video, I considered making a New Year’s resolution for the first time in decades, no more errors in the posts.

But, as I contemplated this possibility, my eyes landed on our slogan at the top of our home page which reads: “Wafting Through Our World Wide Travels with Ease, Joy and Simplicity.”

Close up Bottle Brush plant.

In my old life, perfectionism was the order of the day, an endless objective, never fulfilled. That’s changed progressively over these past four plus years. We’re finally nearing the pinnacle of acceptance of our flaws, our idiosyncrasies and our eccentricities. We’ll never strive for perfection again. 

Instead, we strive for ease, joy and simplicity. Within this concept lies no accommodation for attempting to be perfect at anything. The burden of striving for such an impossible goal has long since passed.

Bottle Brush plants growing in the yard of our vacation home.

So, instead of a resolution to avoid making errors when posting, we choose to accept the reality that posting 365 days a year (or more) is a breeding ground for errors. 

Of course, if we’ve misspelled or misrepresented information on a locale, an item we photographed, a culture or a people, we kindly ask you to let us know so we can make corrections accordingly. We never intend to provide faulty information. In this aspect, there’s no margin for error.

The Holland America cruise ship was passing by a few days prior to Christmas.

For the rest, we ask our readers to bear with us, knowing our intentions are genuine and heartfelt.  Accuracy will always be our goal, perfectionism will not. Maybe we all may benefit from not being so hard our ourselves. It’s a lesson we continually strive to achieve.

May your New Year bring you personal acceptance, peace and love. Happy New Year!

Photo from one year ago today, January 1, 2016:

Riverfront property in the neighborhood in Pacific Harbour, Fiji. For more photos, please click here.

Hot today!… Happy 4th!…

Here it is, our last 4th of July in Minnesota, except for perhaps a time in the future, when we’ll return to visit family and friends.  It’s a mixed bag of emotions.  

Tom set out the 200 plus flags along both sides of the peninsula on Sunday as we’ve done for over the last two decades, boaters driving by waving at us for our festive display.  Fortunately, there were no storms, these past three days that may have blown them away.

Overlooking our yard on the smaller side of Lake Minnewashta.

Yes, it hurts to leave all of this behind. It’s sad to leave our three adult children, their significant others and six grandchildren who live nearby.  We’ll miss them and we’ll miss all of our relatives, neighbors, friends and co-workers we’ve come to love after all these years.  We’ll no longer be Minnesotans.

My favorite spot where we lounge in “comfy” outdoor chairs
With our new upcoming residency in Nevada, where eldest son/stepson, Richard lives in Henderson with our funny grand dog, Monty; my eldest sister living in Boulder City (25 minute drive); and dear old friends also in Henderson, we won’t be lost making Nevada our new address. 

Nevada offers many retiree benefits of which we’ll partake. Change is not easy, especially as one ages. We worry about finances, health, available services and basic creature comforts. We long for a certain sense of familiarity to bring us comfort and peace.
Overlooking our peninsula yard and dock on the bigger side of the lake.

In a short time, we’ll take a risk with our health, exposed to disease in strange lands. Although we’ve carefully planned, some of our funds may be at risk at times, less services (dentist, doctor, vision care) will be available to us and we will forfeit the familiarity that brings us comfort and peace.

According to the app on my phone: Retirement Countdown Free, we leave Minnesota in 3 months, 29 days.

Photo of Retirement Countdown Free app on my smart phone

For today, we’re heading outside to enjoy the sunshine, the heat, the flags, the festivities, the great meal we’ve prepared, and the people we love. Have a happy day!