It was a lovely evening. First, we headed to Speakeasy for happy hour and then made the short walk to Luna Roa for dinner. As always, the ambiance was inviting, the service was impeccable, and the food was fresh and delicious. We perused the Valentine’s Day menu for $125 per person, deciding it was way too much food for us when everything on the menu, as shown below, was included.

With my dietary limitations, especially since I am working on losing weight, and Tom’s picky taste buds, spending $250 when neither of us ever orders appetizers or desserts makes no sense. We often see diners enjoying multiple courses, but we don’t care to eat that much food.
Instead, Tom ordered the lasagne, a dish he knew he’d like, and I ordered the salmon salad, as shown in the two photos below.

I’d brought my homemade salad dressing since restaurant dressings are often made with oils I don’t consume. Perhaps at Luna Rose, a more fine-dining establishment, they had dressings made with olive oil, but sugar is often added for flavor. I filled a small plastic container with my dressing and used it discreetly to avoid drawing attention to myself while using it.

Tonight, when we dine out again at Speakeasy, where they have a good salmon salad, I’ll do the same and bring a batch of my homemade salad dressing that I made this morning. We had a hearty breakfast this morning of thick-sliced bacon, which we baked in the oven at 375F for about 18 minutes for perfect doneness, and organic pasture-raised eggs fried in my amazing skillet sprayed with ghee spray.

Once I upload this post, I will do my exercises and begin working on our tax prep document for our accountant. I plan to have it completed by Monday and forward it to him, along with the documents we received at the mailing service, which they will forward to him per our instructions. It will be a relief to do this before we leave two weeks from today.
That’s it for today, folks. We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Be well.
Photo from ten years ago today, February 15, 2015:
We took this video of the albatross interacting with one another in their beautiful dance. For more, please click here.