Another great day in Nevada…

Sunset in Kauai Hawaii, across the street from our condo in 2015.

It’s another busy morning. We cleaned the condo yesterday, but I still had a few more tasks to do, including cleaning the bottom of the oven. I sprayed it with oven cleaner last night. However, this morning, I still couldn’t scrape everything off it from a prior spill. I’ll keep working on it until it’s sparkling.

I’ve already started walking for the day with lots more to reach my daily three miles. As of a few days ago, I head out the door every 15 minutes to do a complete walk of the long corridor, up and back. But it’s only about 800 steps each time, requiring me to go out to the corridor many times each hour.

One of our readers reminded me of the five miles (8 km) I walked daily while we were in the hotel in lockdown for ten months in Mumbai, India, during the pandemic. Now, my legs aren’t strong enough to do more than my three miles daily. It’s enough. At least here, I have other things to do as opposed to trying to kill time in Mumbai.

Right now, I’m not wishing time to fly by quickly since we’re enjoying each day in Lake Las Vegas. Soon, we’ll head down the one flight of steps to head to Season’s Market for a few things and to stop at the salon to see if Tom can get a haircut, either today or another day. I left a few messages for the hair salon but haven’t heard back after two days. Stopping in is the next step to get him an appointment.

As we do each day, we’re currently listening to the Garage Logic podcast while I prepare the post and head back and forth to the corridor. Tom stops the podcast while I am walking and turns it back on when I return. It’s always interesting to hear what’s going on in Minnesota, especially for Tom, who lived there all of his life until we began traveling. I lived there from 1969, and it also became home for me.

People often ask if we’d ever live in Minnesota again, and we don’t plan to do so. Most seniors go South in the wintertime. We have no interest in dealing with the frigid winter months and short summers. The amount of snow and ice is dangerous for seniors, often resulting in broken hips and other serious injuries. As clumsy as I am, walking on ice isn’t a good idea.

It’s easy to recall how difficult it was pushing a grocery cart out to the car in the icy parking lot. It was expected to see shoppers slip on the ice. Most days, even going to the health club and work was hazardous with glare ice. Then, in the spring, although less dangerous, walking in slush as the ice and snow melted was annoying and uncomfortable.

The summers in Minnesota resulted in hot, humid weather, and nasty mosquitos often prevented us from spending time outdoors at dawn or dusk and evening when, after the long winter, being outdoors, cooking on the grill was much desired. That’s a life we don’t care to experience again.

It’s hot and humid, with many mosquitos in South Africa in summer. But, while there, we live an entirely different lifestyle, spending most of our time outdoors on the veranda, totally distracted by the visiting wildlife.

The timer on my phone just went off. It’s time to walk again. I’ll wrap this up when I return, and we look forward to ‘seeing” all of you again.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, February 17, 2014:

Louise and Danie hosted a fantastic dinner in the bush, in Kruger National Park, at night, surrounded by wildlife. This was my plate of delectable morsels of food I could eat. For more photos, please click here.

We flew through the air and landed in Paradise…Pinch me…Kauai is heavenly…

This type of scene we noticed along Highway 56 in Kauai could be found in many places on the mainland.

Without a doubt, Kauai may prove to be our favorite of the four islands we’ve visited in Hawaii. The four months, we’d anticipated that may be too long, will fly by too quickly. 

We arrive in Kauai on a gorgeous day. Excuse the date stamps on some of these photos. I’d failed to remove it after taking photos of the existing damage on the rental car when we picked it up.

Upon arriving at the Lihue, Kauai airport, we hauled all of our bags to the shuttle bus stop for a ride to the Dollar car rental. We lucked out. They agreed to rent us the vehicle for the entire four months, preventing us from the necessity of going back once a month to renew.

There are many shops along the highway, an attraction for the tourists as shown here today in the village of Wailua.

Most likely they gave us the oldest and cheapest car on the lot with over 31,000 miles and no automatic door locks.  When did automatic door locks become popular? Thirty years ago? At only $685 a month, we hardly complain.  

There appears to be several Mexican restaurants in Kauai.

After all, this is Hawaii and rental cars are notoriously high here. Having booked online enabled us to get this great price. We took no less than a dozen photos of all of the dings and scratches on the car saving them in our Kauai file for future reference and we were on our way. 

A pineapple and coconut stand.

We had to ditch our intent of shopping at Costco. There wasn’t room in that tiny vehicle for a single item sold at Costco when everything is the jumbo size and the car was packed with our stuff. Instead today, we’ll return to Lihui for a much-needed trip to Costco. 

The ever-popular Bubba’s, known for their burgers.

Finding the condo was a little tricky although driving through upscale Princeville was delightful. We’ve landed in the most exquisite area we’ve seen in the islands or perhaps on any island we’ve visited thus far in our travels.

Traveling along a two-lane highway makes photo-taking difficult while driving.

Our condo is located in a well maintained four-unit building. We’ve already met everyone in each unit including permanent residents photographer Ted and vacation home manager Gloria and, vacationing neighbors from Toronto, lovely couple Sarah, Mario, and baby Kayden, staying only a few days. We have a sense that making friends in Kauai will be easy.

We stopped at a scenic overlook on the way to Princeville.

The condo, although smaller than we’d anticipated, is perfect for us. Newly remodeled, it appears new with lush finishes, quality workmanship, and pleasing design.

A proud rooster meandering with his family in the parking lot of the scenic overlook.

While moving in with the doors open a zillion mosquitoes entered the condo requiring we leave the AC on overnight. Mosquitoes hide in cool air.  Today, the doors and windows will be wide open after we return from shopping.

Two hens were hanging out with the above rooster.

In a way, the condo is comparable to a two-bedroom hotel suite with a kitchen. The comfy memory foam bed, soft pillows, and covers created the best night’s sleep we’ve had in ages. The shower was ideal, an aspect we’ve really come to appreciate.

Views of the ocean are always appealing.

More than anything, the scenic views from our lanai and the front of the building are breathtaking as shown in these photos. A white sand beach is across the road where we can take beach chairs for whale watching.

Another scenic overlook.

Last night, we dined at a restaurant tucked away in a condo complex also across the road, the Hideaway, when neither of us felt like shopping and cooking. The food was mediocre, the ambiance was noisy and our table was wobbly. I doubt we’ll return with many other options in the area.

We stopped when we spotted this beach.

We’d mailed a package to ourselves with all of our leftover foodstuffs. To my error, I failed to ask the owner if we could do so and we simply used the address for the condo when we mailed it at the post office in Pahoa.  Later, the owner informed us that only UPS will deliver to the condo.

A beautiful beach scene. The contrast between greenery and sand is particularly appealing.

As a result, this morning, we’ll head to the post office to see if the package has arrived. If it hasn’t, we may decide to wait to go to Costco to avoid duplicating some of the items in the packed box. Then again, with four months here in Princeville, duplication may not be an issue.

Since our arrival, we’ve taken many photos to share. From what we’ve seen so far, we’ll never run out of photos to share on this island. Known as the “garden island” the abundance of birds and vegetation is unlike anything we’ve seen since Tuscany in the summer of 2013. 

A bar and restaurant along the highway.

This morning shortly after awakening we heard the pleasing crow of a rooster. More later on why Kauai is known for its many wild chickens freely roaming about. Yesterday, there were several in the rental car parking lot.

Tomorrow, we’ll be back with photos of the condo and much more. Stay tuned, dear readers. The exploration of the garden island has just begun.

                                            Photo from one year ago today, January 16, 2014:

On our way to the Blyde River Canyon for a three-day mini holiday, we drove through Kruger National Park. We stopped at a distance to watch this elephant. She was obviously annoyed with our visit, moving to the road to come toward us. Luckily, we were back far enough and Tom quickly backed out to get out of her way. Finally, she backed off, content that we weren’t a threat. For details and more photos of our ride through Kruger, please click here.