Dinner at a pub with new friends…Two days and counting…

Chris, Barbara, and Tom are standing in the pub at the Boathouse.

Fascinating Fact of the Day About Falmouth

“Some of the surrendered German U-Boats were dispatched to Falmouth at the end of World War I. It is thought that this was for ‘explosive trials’ testing for weaknesses in their construction. According to the Atlantic Scuba Dive Centre, the UBoats now lie off Castle Beach, Pendennis Point, and Dodman Point.”

It’s always a special occasion to have the opportunity to meet new people. Barbara and Chris are local property owners and summer residents of Falmouth, which made the evening all the more meaningful.

Their knowledge and love of the area were inspiring and educational. They had a captive audience with enthusiasm for this fantastic seaside location rife with history and neverending charm.
We returned to the Boathouse Pub and Restaurant since it was a convenient walk for all of us with their property only a 15-minute walk from the pub and ours, a mere five minutes, downhill on the way and somewhat challenging on the uphill return.  
Seafood chowder with tomato sauce, scallops, hake, mussels, clams, and prawns. It probably contained more tomato sauce than I should have in a single dish, but it was delicious!
We appreciated they were willing to walk further than us on the hill roads. I suppose the locals who walk these hills become pretty fit. We’ve seen several seniors who seem to be managing the mountains with ease. Undoubtedly, after years of walking up and down the hills, they acquired quite a degree of fitness.

When we walked in the pub’s door, Barbara and Chris had already arrived a few minutes before our planned 5:45 pm. It was such a pleasure to meet them both, referred to us by theirs and our friend Liz from Bristol, where they spend most of the year. They have several rental properties in Falmouth which are not necessarily holiday rentals. They arrange the rentals in such a way they can spend the majority of their summers in Falmouth as avid boaters and outdoor enthusiasts.
Tom’s bacon cheeseburger with chips and a side salad.  He handed the salad over to me.

Their adult children and grandchildren come to visit while they’re here during the summer months while they all take advantage of the many water-related activities readily available in Falmouth and its surrounding villages.

As it turned out, our meals at the Boathouse were fantastic. I had one of the best dishes I’ve had in a long time, meeting my dietary requirements; a rich seafood chowder made with a sugar-free tomato sauce. The portion was huge, and I savored every bite.

Tom, not much of a seafood kind of guy, had a burger with chips. He blissfully devoured my mini-loaf of crusty bread, which usually would be used to “sop up” the juices in the chowder.

Barbara and Chris’s shared plate of fried calamari.

Barbara and Chris also had seafood, sharing a massive pot of mussels and a platter of fried calamari. The conversation was lively and animated as expected…a friend of Liz’s would be a friend of ours!

Back at the house, we watched a few shows, drifting off the bed by 11:00 pm. We both had a good night’s rest feeling refreshed and invigorated this morning. We gathered the last few items of laundry to wash in preparation for tomorrow’s packing. With the cool and humid seaside weather, clothes can dry for days.

At this point, I’m 90% packed, with only odds and ends we’re using around the house. We’ll have consumed all of our perishables and packed such items as coffee, coconut cream (for coffee), tea, and spices. With our concern for baggage fees, we purchase all new spices each time we move from location to location.

Barbara and Chris’s pot of cooked mussels.  
This will be the second time since 2012, we’ve been able to drive to the following location, taking our remaining foodstuff with us. This time, the packing is easy when we have no concern about the individual weight of our bags.  

The weight of our bags won’t be a concern until we fly from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to Minneapolis, Minnesota, on November 8th (after the upcoming transatlantic cruise). It’s hard to believe we’ll be in the US in a mere 65 days!

For those of you still working, enjoy “hump day,” and for those retired folks, enjoy yet another day in the life…
Photo from one year ago today, September 4, 2018:
In the late afternoon, we had so many visitors. We lost count. For more photos, please click here.