A day of celebrating Sister Beth…On the move, one month from today…

Sister Beth loved the sound of bagpipes. Tom’s nephew Tony, shown in this photo, had arranged for this bagpipe player to perform at the cemetery.

We are so glad we stayed behind for Tom’s sister Patty to see Sister Beth’s memorial service. It meant the world to her. Mary’s (who was in Milwaukee at the service) husband, Eugene, joined us at Patty’s home, and the four of us watched the hour-long service intently. It was beautifully done with compassion and attention to detail. It was evident Sister Beth was dearly loved.

We brought my laptop with Tom’s as a backup, our HDMI cord, and our portable speaker. I set my phone up as a hotspot, which worked quite well when Patty doesn’t have WiFi in her home. There were a few delays on the other end, but finally, they got the video stream working properly, and we could easily watch.

I took this photo off of Patty’s TV of Sister Beth’s funeral, which was held in St. Joseph’s Hall, not the church since it is being renovated. Thirteen of Tom’s family members were in the front rows on the left. There were 80 mourners in attendance.

After the service, the luncheon was served in Milwaukee (see the menu below), and then over 30 mourners, including Tom’s 13 family members and many nuns, headed to the cemetery for the burial. As shown in the main photo, Tom’s nephew Tony, son of Margie, had arranged for a bagpipe player to perform at the burial service, as shown in the main photo.

For the four of us observing the service by video, we decided on our own lunch to celebrate Sister Beth and headed to one of Patty’s favorite restaurants. We talked about Sister Beth, sharing personal experiences and being grateful in our own way that we could participate from afar.

A luncheon was served after the funeral but before the cemetery trip.

We had a lovely lunch, and by early afternoon, we were back on the road to our hotel. We quietly spent the remainder of the day there until we had a light dinner around 6:30. Later, we settled in to watch our favorite new series, For All Mankind, on Apple TV. If you like stories about “space,” this is a much-watched drama.

Technology, such as what we used, made this possible. This relatively simple process was very familiar to us since we’ve been utilizing streaming for many years. However, we certainly understand how difficult this could be for those who don’t have WiFi in their homes and have never streamed any movies, series, or events.

Soon, we’ll head out to the bank and Aldi market for a few items and then pick up our usual grocery order from Cub Foods. When I placed the order this morning, they were out of several products we use, resulting in the necessity of stopping at another market.

Sister Julie Rice, a dear friend of Sister Beth, presented the eulogy.

Yesterday, it dawned on us that we’ll leave for Cleveland Clinic one month from today. The months-long wait has happened quickly with all the beautiful times we’ve spent with family and friends. We’ll cram in as much as possible in these remaining 30 days before heading out on the two-day road trip.

That’s all for today, folks. Thank you for the loving and thoughtful condolences for Tom and his family. The kindness of our readers worldwide never ceases to amaze us. Thank you for being YOU!

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, July 25, 2014:

We went through as many as 20 tunnels on a few-hour outing in Madeira. For more photos, please click here.