Today is the 25th day since our bags were missing, the day Ethiopian Air said we could contact them to file a claim. When I called this morning, I was told two black bags had arrived, and they may be ours. If that’s the case, the only claim we’ll need to file is for the clothes we had to buy when we arrived in Minnesota on November 26, with only the clothes on our backs.
We’ll see how that goes. We’d be much happier to get the bags back than filing the claim for the entire contents since we’d need to find receipts for every item in those two bags, which, as mentioned earlier, would be a daunting task, requiring days to complete.

The rep said she’d call me back in an hour with an update. I’ll give her a few hours based on the fact they rarely call back when they say they will, from what we’ve seen so far. It seems they’ve made it so difficult to file a claim that many passengers with lost bags will not follow up with the claim since doing so is confusing and cumbersome.
We are determined to do whatever it takes to get the bags back and, in the worst case, file the appropriate claims to be reimbursed for the contents. If the bags are found and sent to Nelspruit, we’ll have to arrange for a courier to pick them up or make the over three-hour round-trip drive ourselves. With all the traffic, accidents, and crimes on the N4, it’s worth it to us to pay a courier as we did when our bags were lost and eventually found last year after a trip to the US.

Many would say we should bring enough stuff to fit into carry-on bags. But with new carry-on bag fees and restrictions, it isn’t worth not having enough of our belongings with us. We’re not backpackers, and packing that light wouldn’t work for cruising and our varied travels. Plus, we like nice clothes for dining out and social events, not necessarily dressy but more upscale than what we wear casually when staying in.

After today’s effort to locate the bags, I will report back on what we’ve discovered. In the meanwhile, we’re staying at home today to have easy access to all the accumulated paperwork from the missing bag fiasco and receive a phone call when voice signals are poor right now with many visitors in the bush.
With so many people in Marloth Park, we cannot stream any shows after 6:00 pm, 1800 hrs., due to the poor signal. This will continue until about a week into January after the holidays officially end. Neither of us is into reading books right now, so come the evenings after dinner, when we are ready to be indoors; there is absolutely nothing for us to do. This is frustrating. I contacted Louise to see if the WiFi provider could do anything. We’ll see what they say.

This morning, it was nice to see some animals in the garden, not a lot, but a few, and we were able to take a few photos here and there, which we’re sharing in today’s post. We’ll keep an eye out today since it’s a little cooler, not a lot, but more tolerable for sitting outdoors. We haven’t seen Norman and his family all weekend, although he did show up on a trail cam photo very early this morning. I have a big bowl of “Norman’s Lunch” ready for him, chilling in the refrigerator. We hope to see him today.

This morning load shedding is from 7:00 to 11:30. I can only do some of the prep for tonight’s dinner when I can’t use the oven or microwave. Also, we try not to open and close the refrigerator often during these 4½ hour-long outages. This morning Tom placed the big metal bowl filled with ice into the main refrigerator, which should keep the food safe.
Be well.
Photo from one year ago today, December 19, 2021: