It was a fantastic 75th birthday with more celebrations yet to come..

What a great time was celebrating my birthday at Tamborina Restaurant in Komatipoort with Dawn and Leon!

We had such a fun day yesterday on my birthday. Any reason to celebrate is a cause for us to plan an event. Initially, we hadn’t planned to do anything with the party coming up on Saturday, but when Dawn and Leon asked what we were doing, we all decided to go to lunch.

It is always fun to get Dawn and Leon out of the restaurant and able to relax with us. It was such fun spending my birthday with such good friends.

We all decided to head to the Portuguese restaurant on the main road in Komatipoort for lunch since none of us cared to drive in the dark from Komati to Marloth Park. We don’t usually drink alcohol during the day, but we were in a celebratory mood and each ordered drinks with our lunches.

Dawn ate one roll, and Tom ate the rest. How unusual!

They didn’t have light wine, as in all of the restaurants in Marloth Park, so I ended up with regular white wine and slowly sipped on it with lots of ice in the glass, diluting it sufficiently for my taste. Our food was delicious, as shown in today’s photos, and we had fun taking photos of each other so we’d have something to post.

My grilled chicken and bacon salad was delicious.

We always enjoy having time out and about with Dawn and Leon, getting them away from Jabula for social time without the distractions of running the restaurant practically around the clock. Our conversations are always filled with laughter and. profound and important topics and commonalities we share.

I also ordered this little bowl of grilled calamari which was also delicious. Guess who ate my bread?

We hadn’t been to Tamborina in quite some time. The last time we were, there was with Rita and Gerhard a few years ago when we also had a perfect time. Dining is exclusively outdoors; yesterday, it was initially uncomfortable in the heat and humidity. But, once we got situated, pillows under our butts on the wooden chairs, we forgot all about it.

Reminiscent of our ten months in lockdown in India, Tom couldn’t resist ordering Chicken Penne Pasta which he ate every night for eight of the ten months.

The time flew by. After we finished our lunch, Leon suggested we visit one of his favorite bars in Komati, which we’d heard him talk about occasionally, but had never visited. Leon hesitated for us to go thinking it was too much of a “working class” bar for our tastes. But, in Minnesota, we’d often attend get-togethers with family and friends at casual, laid-back bars.

Dawn and Leon both had the fried sole with chips and rice.

We can easily enjoy all types of bars and restaurants as we did while living in Minnesota. We don’t always need to be in an upscale environment to have a good time.

After lunch,  the four of us stopped at a little bar in Komatipoort, Koos se Kroeg, which had these money-sucking slot machines. We didn’t play. We stayed until load shedding started, and it became sweltering in the bar without aircon.

As it turned out, we were the only customers there, along with the owner’s wife, who served us while the owner was asleep on the pool table, as shown in the photo below. Hahahaha. We all had a good chuckle over that.

The owner of the bar was asleep on the pool table.

Back at home around 3:30 pm, 1530 hrs., I finished the post for the day and relaxed in the bedroom with the fan on to cool off. Tom was still too full for dinner (especially after eating five pieces of bread), but my light meal left me hungry by dinnertime. I reheated a few slices of homemade keto pizza to eat while we watched a few shows on my laptop. The mosquitoes and black worms were everywhere, so we didn’t care to be outdoors while I ate my pizza.

I talked on the phone with my sister Julie for about an hour with lots of laughing. Later on, I spent a lot of time thanking family, readers/friends for sending so many thoughtful birthday wishes. It was a great day.

Today, we’re staying home, again eating leftover pizza and salad and enjoying a quiet day in the bush. The sun is shining, the temperature is 90F, 32C, the humidity is only 47%, and the dew point is a much lower 67 today. It’s much more tolerable today than over the past weeks.

That’s it for today, folks. We look forward to sharing more new photos tomorrow.

Be well.

Photo from one year ago today, February 21, 2022:

Danie and Louise were hanging onto our elephant’s tusks. For more photos, please click here.

Invitations to my 75th birthday party went out today…Done with our immigration documents…Tuesday we head to Nelspruit to deliver the docs in person, as required…

Norman and his friends stopped by today.

Gosh, we wish we could invite everyone we know and like in Marloth Park. But based on the venue, we can only manage 25 to 30 guests. This morning, Louise and I sent out all the invitations on WhatsApp. In a matter of minutes,  we had no less than 12 RSVPs and expect to see many more in days to come as our invitees check their calendars and get back to us.

It’s funny to be planning my own party, but it’s a whole lot easier for me and Louise to do it than leaving it to Tom. Yesterday, we ordered 12 bottles of Prosecco, 12 bottles each of red and white wines. All we have left to buy is dry roses, and we already have several cases of Tom’s favorite local beer, Lion, which is hard to find at local shops.

I am making two birthday cakes, one regular and one keto, on the day of the event. Louise and Danie are helping with all the food. They are experts at this, and we so appreciate the help. Their helper Martha will come and do all the dishes the next morning.

We named this male warthog, Tusker, for his giant tusks.

As stipulated on the invitations, I specified, “Please, no gifts!” which I mean sincerely. My luggage has absolutely no room for anything other than what I already have. Plus, finding gift items with limited shops with few selections here in the bush makes gift buying too challenging.

We look forward to our guests arriving in casual attire, and if they drink beer and wine, they don’t need to bring anything. If not, they can get their choice of drinks. The party starts at 5:00 pm, 1700 hrs., and can easily go long into the night. This is no sundowner party. It could well go late into the night, which is OK with us.

It wasn’t easy creating the guest list. No doubt, we had to leave some people out that we would have invited if we’d had a different venue, but it all boiled down to one aspect: connections. It’s all about those unique connections with people whose hugs and conversations warm my heart, and in this magical place, unique connections can easily be made.

Tusker and a little bushbuck sharing pellets.

Sure, I’ll be missing many of the close friendships we’ve made here in Marloth Park, who may not be here now: Rita and Gerhard, Kathy and Don, Linda and Ken, Lynne and Mick, Janet and Steve, and dozens more we have mentioned in past posts whom we’ve come to know and love. We can’t possibly name everyone here, but please know that you are in our hearts and minds.

We’re looking forward to the date of the party, February 25, which is actually five days after my birthday. Still, we wanted it to be on a Saturday evening to accommodate those who may not be able to come during the week. On the 20th, the actual date of my birthday, most likely, we’ll have a quiet evening at home or out with a few friends. That we’ll play by ear, as we often do. There are no expectations for that day.

On another note, this morning, we headed to Louise’s office and wrapped up the documents required for next Tuesday’s 10:45 am appointment at the South African Immigration office in Nelspruit. We have all the documents neatly arranged, in the required order, and ready to submit.

Two male bushbucks, Gordy and Stringy, another female bushbuck, and our two usual duikers, Delilah and Derek, are enjoying pellets this morning.

We should have an answer on the extension in four to six weeks. Once they decide, we’ll return to Nelspruit to open the “secret” envelope with our extension approval. We may have only seven days to leave the country if they don’t approve it. We feel pretty confident it will be approved.

We’ve yet to hear anything about our insurance claim for the missing luggage. That, too, we’ll be waiting for a response.

Have a pleasant day!

Be well.

Photo from one year ago today, January 26, 2022:

Gordy is such a handsome specimen of the species (bushbuck). He visits us here almost daily. His full name is Gordon Ramsey, after the famous chef. For more photos, please click here.