As I continue to deal with the side effects of two antibiotics, we’re laying low with me spending a few hours each afternoon in the bedroom with the air-con on. It continues to be hot and humid, and right now, as I feel this way, the heat is less tolerable than usual. Load shedding continues for no less than seven hours a day, in the middle of the day, late morning, and again at night from 1900 hours to 2130 hours, 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm.
I keep thinking of how generous Louise and Danie are for providing us with an inverter that gives us sufficient power to run the router, charge our digital equipment, and operate fans in the bedroom when the power is out during the night. This helps so much that load shedding isn’t as big an issue for us.
During the power outages at night, we’re still able to stream TV series or movies on my laptop through Hulu, Prime Video, or Netflix, making the 2½ hours without air-con pass more quickly. The past few nights’ load shedding occurred between 3:00, and 5:00 am.

As soon as the air-con stops, we both wake up, and one of us gets up and turns on the fan. When the power returns, the air-con comes back on by itself, which again wakes us up. Sleep is fitful, but we’re managing. Again, it’s the “nature of the beast,” in other words, “life in the bush.”
This evening, friends Uschi and Evan are stopping by at 1730 hours, 5:30 pm, for social distancing sundowners, although I won’t be drinking alcohol due to the medication, I’m on. By Tuesday, which will be eight days since I began the five-day course, I will be able to have a glass of my favorite, low alcohol wine.

Of course, we’re waiting anxiously for the opportunity to get the Covid-10 vaccine. But, now, with the world talking about South Africa and UK variants, the rush to get the vaccines out has been completely halted. The new stats for South Africa are as follows. Please click the South Africa link below for the full article: