A long night…Family updates…Civil liberties…More from Hawaii, five years ago…

While out to dinner in Fiji, we were entertained by dancers performing a Bollywood-type routine. For the post from that date in 2015, please click here.
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Please click here for those who may have missed the post with SW News Media’s article on our story.

Yesterday, our daughter-in-law Camille had highly complicated cancer surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.  Worried about the outcome, I kept checking my phone for text updates, for which my son Greg had created a text group of family and friends.

To stay updated, I kept the text notification vibration on, hoping I’d sleep a little here and there. Subsequently, I had little sleep, only about three hours, when around 3:30 am, I finally drifted off.

The outcome was good, but like most cancer surgeries, one must wait for the much-anticipated pathology reports to ease her future well-being. She’s a lovely, strong, and resilient person who’s handled this dreadful diagnosis with grace and dignity, a role model for many of us. 

Beach view in Kapaa, Kauai five years ago today at this link.

Between thoughts of our dear DIL, my mind did a number on me in the middle of the night, including worries about my sister into the mix. Since we last mentioned it here, the most recent development had been that she had to move from her much-loved assisted living facility since they weren’t equipped to handle her dire needs.

No facility was willing to take a new patient during the COVID-19 lockdown. Her caseworker made calls for days and was unable to find a place for her to go. We were all in a tizzy worrying about where she could live, offering the degree of care she required at this point.
Finally, yesterday, the management at her assisted living facility agreed to keep her in place, providing her with some added support until such time when the lockdown ends, and other facilities that can manage her care would consider accepting her as a patient. Whew! What a relief, albeit temporary.
A mountain view with a fire burning at the right.

My tiredness from last night’s lack of sleep is irrelevant compared to the challenges facing our loved ones, alone, without family at their sides due to the dreaded coronavirus.

As tired as I am, I will continue the hourly walking regime today, perhaps taking time out for a short nap in the afternoon. Not much of a napper. I rarely fall asleep during the day, but sometimes, just lying down and resting may be beneficial.
It’s heartbreaking to think about the patients throughout the world with COVID-19 and other medical conditions requiring hospitalization, leaving them without their loved ones at their side. 
Cloudy day at sea.

The toll taken on the emotional well-being of the world’s citizens is essential for each of us to consider during this trying time. Staying active, engaged in pleasurable activities, embracing a healthy diet, and staying in touch with family and friends via phone, chat, and face time.

Ultimately, making every effort to maintain an optimistic outlook for the future will surely aid all of us in getting through this unusual period of our lives. This could easily be a time when couples and family members could get frustrated and snappy with one another.
Fortunately for us, we’re used to spending a tremendous amount of time alone together, so staying pleasant and attentive to one another’s needs and interests is easy. We’re grateful to be healthy, safe, and with a roof over our heads. No complaining here.
Café along the Kuhio Highway, the main highway in Kauai, past the Lihue Airport.

So many are worried about the stripping of their civil liberties when they are being told by the government to stay inside their homes and wear masks. It’s easy to become distracted with such thoughts and thoughts of myriad conspiracy theories during this time. 

Instead, for now, if we all can focus on our responsibility to protect ourselves, our loved ones, our friends, and the rest of the world by staying indoors, social distancing, washing our hands, and wearing face masks, this plague will end a lot sooner than we might expect. At that point, we can access the balance of our civil liberties. Right now is not a good time for protesting in the streets.

Photo from one year ago today, April 15, 2019:

From this site:  The Katydid leaf bug: Katydids get their name from the sound they make. Their repetitive clicks and calls sounded like someone saying, “Ka-ty-did,” so that phrase became the common name. Both genders are capable of producing sound. Katydids are related to crickets and grasshoppers, with large back legs for jumping. Unlike grasshoppers, Katydids have incredibly long, thin antennae. Unlike crickets, their bodies are more rhomboidal, like a kite with four equal lengths. They have wings and will fly away from danger. Most sightings occur when they land on an object and linger. Some have even gone on car rides, clinging to the hood of the vehicle.”  Great photo, Tom! For more photos, please click here.

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