I don’t have much to say today. This is post #4201 since we began writing in March 2012. Unsurprisingly, I’ve been tongue-tied on occasion and barely have been able to muster a topic or line of discussion to share with our readers.
It doesn’t happen very often. Usually, in our daily lives, something comes up that provides me with a topic, and once I start writing, it flows from there with ease. But today, I am at a loss, perhaps a little distracted, after getting up so late. I didn’t leave the bedroom, showered, dressed, and ready for the day until around 10:15, a rarity for me.
It was a busy night of dreams, one of which consisted of me having a dinner party for eight people at a property I didn’t recognize. I was planning the menu and later preparing the table and the food with many courses, three of which were some type of mousse. I don’t usually make mousse. However, yesterday, I found myself searching online for a chocolate mousse recipe since I’ve been craving chocolate lately.
It’s funny how we can recall something that transpired in our day that appears in our dreams that night. After a vivid dream, I always think about what triggered some of the content of a dream that I am able to recall. Tom says he never remembers his dreams. I can’t seem to get them out of my head the following day.
After finding many low-carb mousse recipes online, I decided against making any of them. Those I found online were mostly made with heavy cream. Although cream is acceptable for a low-carb way of eating, I had no desire to consume an item that would have 400 calories and be consumed in only a few minutes.
Anyway, the dinner in my dream was a success, and I awoke thinking of food. Perhaps my lack of creativity today was spent in my dream, and I awoke with little to offer. Also, I am a little distracted to get going on my new exercise regime, more with the intent of getting it done than from any pleasure of doing it.
As much as I’d like to say I love working out, I do not. It’s a necessary evil. Fortunately, once completed, the reward of having got through it is worth all the work. Overall, I’ve worked out and watched my weight most of my adult life. I’ll never know if doing so has truly benefited me other than the fact that I’m 76 years old and still here, feeling well with known heart disease and a few other maladies I inherited from my mother’s side of the family.
Tom enjoyed the stir fry last night, but I had a different dinner. I used seasoning in the dish, sauces that contain sugar and I decided against eating it. Instead, I made myself an egg white and coconut pancake topped with sugar-free syrup, which I enjoyed. But, after dinner, I was still hungry and had a bowl of unsweetened Fage Greek yogurt with ground flax seeds to fill me up.
We watched a few more episodes of “Formula 1, Drive to Survive” on Netflix. If you haven’t watched this series, I assure you it is way more entertaining than you’d imagine. We’ve never been interested in Formula 1 racing, but this series is fascinating from a human interest aspect and the business of running this stressful and dangerous business. If you enjoy binge-watching, the series has six seasons, and every episode is spellbinding.
So here it is. I got through today’s less-than-creative post. In the future, I will make an effort to be more focused and topic-minded instead of being all over the place. Now, I’m off to do the exercises. Plus, I have set my timer to get up from the sofa and walk around every 30 minutes to avoid sitting too long.
Be well.
Photo from ten years ago today, February 27, 2014: