Part 1, Kruger never disappoints if patience prevails…

We laughed so hard when we saw this baby baboon grabbing its mom’s hair to hold on while sitting in this unlikely pose.

“Sighting of the Day in the Bush”

These are the nests of Red-billed Buffalo Weavers seen on a tree growing in the water at Sunset Dam.  Thanks to our friend Lynne for identifying these nests.

Each time we go to Kruger, the same thing transpires. While about an hour into the drive, we both resign ourselves that we’re going to come up empty-handed with few sightings and even fewer photos to share.

Proud wildebeest.

Actually, during many visits to the national park over this past five months, we’ve yet to come up empty-handed. In each case, continuing to drive, we encounter one magical moment after another. 

It’s exceptional to have zebras visit us in Marloth Park as well as spotting them in Kruger.

We always laugh at the irony of the situation. Are we saying the day will be a dud to alleviate any potential disappointment? Or do we believe it?  Invariably within minutes after making such comments, we come across something extraordinary.  

An “implausibility” of wildebeest in Kruger.

Yesterday’s trip to Kruger National Park was no different than usual…the abundance is mindboggling. With all the holidaymakers in this area right now due to the school holiday ending on July 17th, we anticipated a huge queue awaiting entry to the park.

Yesterday, we encountered more wildebeest than in any past trips.

Alas, we were pleasantly surprised when we were second in line, not that being second is a quick process. Most visitors to the park don’t have the “Wild Card” year-long pass that we purchased when we arrived. 

It was a perfect day for a self-drive in Kruger National Park.

Thus, the process of registering new visitors is long and laborious and can take as much as 15 minutes for one car to pass. This was the case yesterday but knowing we were up next was comforting. Even with our passports, the required form completed, and our “Wild Card” pass, it still takes a good five to seven minutes during our turn.

There were numerous sightings of giraffes on the side of the paved road.

We anticipated an hour-long wait at the Crocodile Bridge entrance gate, where visitors are processed from their vehicles. Once we were on the paved road, we sighed with relief that we could get going in under 20 minutes. 

The black spot inside a zebra’s leg is intended to protect the legs from their sharp hooves when at rest. Please click our post here from January 3, 2014, with this and other exciting zebra facts for more on this topic.

Also, we expected a lot of vehicles on the road. Still, surprisingly, unless there was a spectacular sighting tying up traffic, such as dozens of elephants crossing the road, there were no more cars than we’d seen on prior non-holiday visits.

Throughout the day, we spotted no less than 100 elephants at different points along the road.

We decided that Wednesdays may be the best day of the week to visit when many holidaymakers arrive for a four or five-day weekend visit. This makes Wednesdays the perfect day in between those visits.

Cape buffalo, one of the “Big 5,” hanging out near the Sabie River.

We’d hoped to return in time to do the day’s post. Typically, we allow ourselves about four hours in the park plus driving time to and from the gate from Marloth Park when we’ve often left too early in the morning to complete the post.

Sunset Dam is located on the road beyond Lower Sabie, where we stopped to enjoy the scenery and wildlife, of which there was plenty, including these hippos lounging in the water with impalas in the background.

It all worked out well when we arrived back at the house at 2:30, even after a stop at Daisy’s Den to purchase repellent oil for our outdoor lantern, leaving time to complete the post and get things ready for dinner.

Another “bloat” of hippos! 

Tomorrow, we’ll be back with Part 2 of “Kruger never disappoints…” when we’re looking forward to sharing an exciting video and more photos. Please check back then! 

Be well.  Be happy.

Photo from one year ago today, July 12, 2017:

We dined at this restaurant when they had several options that work well for my way of eating. For more details, please click here.

Returned from Kruger…Marloth Park…To feed or not to feed…Oxpecker invasion…

Surprisingly, the animals don’t send the oxpeckers on their way, but it may not be easy to do. They hang on tightly with their clawed feet, determined to feed off their “host.”

“Sighting of the Day in the Bush”

This female kudu has a heart-shaped marking on her neck.

Today marks our fifth month since we arrived in Marloth Park on February 11th. It’s hard to believe how quickly time has passed. We’ll be leaving South Africa in seven months to travel to Kenya for an exciting adventure, not returning to Marloth Park until  December 2020 for a short 90 day stay.

That sounds like such a long time away, but in this life of world travel, time seems to pass more quickly than at any other time in our lives. Perhaps, it’s related to “old age” or, on the brighter side, from having such an exceptionally great year in Africa. 

If anything startles the oxpeckers, they fly off one kudu to another.

We just returned from several hours spent in Kruger National Park.  om’s busy grating cheese for taco salad night here in the bush (no cheese for lactose-free me) while I’m quickly pounding away on the keyboard in hopes of uploading today’s post before 17:00 hrs. (5:00 pm) when the evening’s action begins, and visitors come from all over.

Last night was no exception when at one point, we had nine warthogs, dozens of mongooses, eight kudus, Frank, and the Mrs. all in the garden simultaneously. 

We were so busy tending to them and fawning over them. We barely had dinner ready by our usual time. It was a splendid evening we look forward to repeating tonight.

Oxpeckers eat insects off the host but also can cause sores and infections.

As for the day spent in Kruger…as much as I dislike this expression…OMG! OMG! OMG! We can’t wait to share our experiences in tomorrow’s post. The first hour, we didn’t see much, and then, safari luck kicked in. 

On the return drive, I said to Tom, “Where in the world might one live to be able to jump in their car, drive for 20 minutes and go on a self-drive safari?”  There’s no trip to Home Depot, Target, or Whole Foods in this lifestyle. 

This kudu had eight oxpeckers, some of which are on the other side of her body. Excuse the blur. It happens.

There’s only driving in the vast wilderness of massive Kruger National Park to see some of the most majestic animals in the world in their natural habitat, the struggles they bear, the behaviors we find breathtaking, and above all, their innate ability to survive.

There’s been no rain in almost two months. The riverbeds, streams, and rivers have dried up, yet somehow these resourceful creatures have found a way to survive. 

Nine female kudus came to call last night shortly before dark.

Unfortunately, some do not survive the harsh winters without rain or abundant vegetation. Finally, in the spring and summer months, the park will once again thrive.  We see this possibility in Marloth Park.

There’s a lot of controversy over whether to feed the wildlife in Marloth Park during this time of year. We understand about nature “taking its course, with the good and the bad.”

Their yellow eyes and orange beaks make them stand out on the similarly colored kudus.

But, when we animal lovers in this magical place see these beautiful creatures hungry and thirsty this time of year, it’s impossible not to provide some appropriate sustenance. Unfortunately, Lucerne bales, hay, salt licks, and troughs are breeding grounds for spreading disease among the wildlife.

If one must feed, as we do, tossing pellets and vegetables onto the ground is better than the above. And also importantly, keeping watering holes clean is another vital means of reducing contamination to some degree.

When the kudus showed up last night, there were dozens of oxpeckers hanging around and on them.

There’s no perfect world. There’s no easy answer. We all live by our own beliefs and choices, and those may not always be ideal, but most of us do the best we can.

Now, I must wrap this up and finish chopping and dicing for tonight’s dinner with leftovers planned for tomorrow evening. Our evening begins soon enough, and there’s plenty to do to get ready for the evening’s adventures.

We didn’t recognize these four warthogs whose hair is almost black instead of the brown and greyish tones.

Have a fabulous evening! We sure plan on it!

Photo from one year ago today, July 11, 2017:

The Choctaw Casino and Resort is located in The District in Henderson, Nevada. It’s always fun spending time in Las Vegas in its most unique environment centered around nightlife, gambling (we don’t gamble), and luxury.  For more details, please click here.

Off to town to shop…My weird voice may to irritating to some…

Cattle egrets often stay close to wildlife.  From this site: “Being an opportunistic feeder, the cattle egret is most often seen in the company of animals such as buffaloes, plains zebra, and wildebeest in the wild. During grazing activities, the large beasts churn up the ground to a degree, exposing organisms and insects in the soil below, which are eagerly snapped up by the waiting birds. They are sometimes seen perched on top of these animals, helping themselves to any ticks they find. The presence of the birds does nothing to harm its hosts, and it is even believed that cattle egrets reduce the number of flies found around these ungulates.”

“Sighting of the Day in the Bush”

A mom waterbuck and her calf.

We’re late posting today after deciding to head to Komatipoort and Lebombo to shop for groceries earlier in the day rather than our usual time after uploading the day’s post. Sorry for the delay!

We’ve rarely observed this many waterbucks lying down.

After several cloudy days, the sun is shining, and we wanted to get back after it warms up a little to enjoy this gorgeous weather. Perhaps, later in the day after we return, put everything away and do a little prep for dinner, we’ll embark on one more of our exciting drives in Marloth Park on the never-ending search for the unique and the unusual.

There were a few dozen waterbucks.  We’ve seldom seen so many at once.

There’s no word yet regarding the status of the lions-on-the-loose and if they’re still in the park, but we can’t help but continue our search, just in case we get lucky once again. One never knows or can estimate how long it takes for wildlife to relocate from one location to the next.

They are nice-looking animals with circular markings on their backsides.

Last night was great fun on the veranda. With the outdoor heater on low, we stayed comfortable, and much to our delight, we had no less than ten warthogs, including Little Wart Face, Tusker, Mom and Tiny Baby, Mom, Auntie, and Two Babies, Medium Wart Face, and a few we didn’t recognize. 

From this site: “The waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) is a large antelope found widely in sub-Saharan Africa. It is placed in the genus Kobus of the family Bovidae. It was first described by Irish naturalist William Ogilby in 1833. The thirteen subspecies are grouped under two varieties: the common or Ellisprymnus waterbuck and the Defassa waterbuck. The head-and-body length is typically between 177–235 cm (70–93 in), and the average height is between 120 and 136 cm (47 and 54 in). A sexually dimorphic antelope, males are taller as well as heavier than females. Males reach approximately 127 cm (50 in) at the shoulder, while females reach 119 cm (47 in). Males typically weigh 198–262 kg (437–578 lb) and females 161–214 kg (355–472 lb). The coat color varies from brown to grey. The long, spiral horns, present only on males, curve backward, then forward and are 55–99 cm (22–39 in) long.”

In addition, nine female kudus stopped by for pellets and veg, Frank and the Mrs. enjoyed some seeds before “making their noise” at dusk, and Noisy Frog was at it all evening long. 

Just before we packed it in for the night, Wildebeest Willie and three friends stopped by. Willie has this way of making eye contact that lets us know exactly what he’d like on the menu for him and his friends. Of course, we always comply. 

Elephants on the Crocodile River.

We laugh out loud when we think of how other residents of Marloth Park each have their own names for “our” favorite animals. Our only permanent resident who appears to stay in and around our garden day and night are Frank and the Mrs.

It’s astounding how they pick up their heads and make eye contact with us when we call them by the names we chose for them. Can you imagine how many names they’re called as they wander from property to property? And, how smart are they to respond to all of them?

A fish eagle was watching the elephant’s activities.

Not every animal enthusiast may use a similarly annoying sound in their voice as I do, embarrassing that it could be, that may inspire the animals to look toward the source of this weird sound coming from a human. 

I’m not ashamed by this high-pitched voice I’ve used with all of our dogs over the years and nowhere in Marloth Park. In this regard, I have no modesty in spewing out the most peculiar sounds that seem to elicit an enthusiastic response from our wildlife friends.

This parade of elephants consisted of no less than 30.

No doubt, my voice may irritate any neighbors within earshot, but I do tone it down in the evening or when I see people outdoors on their verandas. I certainly don’t want to be one of those “noisy tourists” to which I’m so vehemently opposed.

Finally, back from shopping, I still have lots to put away and items to prepare for tonight’s dinner. We purchased pellets at the Obara store, carrots and apples at the Lebombo market, a much-needed plastic cutting board from the Crazy Store, meat from the Butchery, groceries from Spar Supermarket, and refilled my prescription meds (without a prescription needed) at the local pharmacy. (More on that later).

Obstructed by the fence, we capture this mom and baby.

We accomplished all of the above in less than two hours, including driving time. We have a great system down where we waste no time since we’re always anxious to be on our way back to our holiday home in the bush, just in case someone comes to call.

We’ll wrap it up for today to get on with other projects at hand for the remainder of the day, hoping to get everything accomplished, leaving us ample time for our drive in the park in search of whatever treasures come our way.

Have a day filled with treasures of your own!                   

Photo from one year ago today, July 10, 2017:
Lighted cup holder built into son Richard’s high-tech sofa if one can’t find where to set their drink in the darkened room while watching a movie. For more details, please click here.

Safari luck at it’s finest!…A most outstanding Sunday after all….

Such a handsome male lion. These lions shown today are not necessarily the lions recently spotted inside Marloth Park.

“Sighting of the Day in the Bush”

What a charmer!

Sundays have always been my least favorite day of the week. I suppose it goes back to being a kid, and Sunday night meant early to bed and back to school the following day.

As an adult, Sunday’s meant somewhat of the same thing…early to bed and back to work on Monday morning, except being in real estate for most of my adult life and the company’s owner, I never really had a day off.

Snoozing female and male lions on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

Once done working on Saturdays or Sundays, I often “pushed things off” to be handled on Monday morning, particularly those running-the-business type of tasks of which there were many.

Even after I chose early retirement at 62 (shortly after the housing market crashed in the US), dreading Sundays was deeply ingrained in my psyche. I couldn’t seem to shake the lifelong perception that Sundays represented the upcoming litany of responsibilities that were often mired in worry and concern.

From time to time, he’d pick up his head.  Mostly, the female maintained “watch,” only occasionally putting her head down to sleep.

Now, after traveling for almost six years (three months until our sixth anniversary), I still possess a certain dread of Sundays and the resulting Mondays that I try to shake off, often to no avail.

Yesterday, Sunday, was no exception. Awakening early to a cloudy day, knowing we couldn’t go into Kruger due to the holidaymakers and, with little to no visitors stopping by,  I felt a little of my usual Sunday apprehension.

Although we seniors sometimes forget what day of the week it is, which is entirely ‘normal” when one doesn’t have a strict routine to follow, Sunday is always at the forefront of my mind. 

We were so far away. It was hard not to have blurry photos without a tripod with us.

I never have to ask Tom on a Sunday flippantly, What day is this?” as I may on a Tuesday or Wednesday, while lost in our blissful routine.

I’d decided to make a typical Sunday dinner of slow-cooked braised short ribs with garlic, carrots, onions, leftover mashed potatoes, sweet corn (fresh uncooked from Friday night’s dinner party), garlic bread, and salad. Although definitely not his usual diet, I decided to give him one more day of a fattening, high-carb meal with these items on hand.

The female and male rested near the large rocks on the opposite side of the river.

Today, Monday, he’s back to our usual low-carb routine, leftover short ribs, salad, and vegetables. He ate the remainder of the apple crisp from Friday night’s dinner party, so sweets are off the menu. I had salmon on the grill (I found some frozen that is quite good) and grilled vegetables. Tonight, I’ll have prawns and grilled vegetables.

At the moment, I’m cooked two meals; keto for me and low carb for him. So far, I’ve been losing weight steadily, but I won’t announce how much until I’ve reached my goal. It’s a slow process.

Anyway, after finishing the day’s post, doing laundry, hanging it on the line, and preparing the vegetables for dinner, we decided to head out around 2:00 pm to see if we could spot any wildlife to offset any potential boredom on an otherwise somewhat dull Sunday.

After observing wildebeest in our garden this past week, we’ve developed a special interest in them.  Surprisingly, they are good at making eye contact.

Once we began our usual course through Marloth Park, mainly focusing on driving along the river road, after about an hour into it, we were convinced this would not be a day of many sightings, which we hadn’t expected anyway due to the abundant amount of tourists in the park. We could head back to our holiday home to wind down an otherwise quiet day.

As we neared the last 15 minutes of our usual course, we noticed several people standing at the fence between Marloth and Kruger Parks and decided to stop to see what all the commotion was about. There was many pointing going on, phones raised into the air, and binoculars being passed around. 

It was lions lounging on rocks on the opposite side of the river! We couldn’t have been more excited. We parked the car, walked through the scratchy bush on somewhat of a path, and made our way to the fence.

This “Implausibility” of wildebeest was resting in the garden of a home along the river.

Regardless of how hard I tried, I couldn’t bring them up on the camera’s view screen. Tom, with his trusty binoculars, looked for several minutes, and then, he saw them, a female and a male lounging in the warmth of the sun on the massive rocks across the Crocodile River.  

Tom took today’s lion photos, and I’m so proud of him for being able to capture these images. We were no less than .8 km (.5 miles) from their location and, we don’t have those massive lenses used to capture distance scenes. They’re are too big and bulky for us to carry in our travels. We were thrilled with the photos he managed to get.

These were the first lions we’ve seen since we arrived in South Africa almost five months ago. After many trips into the Kruger, we’d yet to see any lions.  This was exciting, to say the least.

This baby wildebeest tried to nurse off dad.  He gave her quick a shove.

After quite a while at the sighting, we were on our way for the remainder of the drive, sighting the following: kudu, wildebeest, elephants, impala, waterbuck, and several birds. 

By the time we returned to our holiday home, it was time to set up the veranda for the evening, but the short ribs in the oven, and finish a few tasks for dinner. Once settled at our usual spots at the big table, we downloaded our photos, thrilled with what we’d captured.

It was a good Sunday after all, and last night there was no sense of Sunday night angst especially knowing we could share these photos with all of our readers today.

It’s a good Monday morning. Sleep came easily for both of us for a change. When dawn broke, we were feeding a forkl of lovely female kudus pellets, carrots, and apples on the veranda.

May your Monday be good as well.

Photo from one year ago today, July 9, 2017:

The white lattice pergola in son Richard’s lovely yard provided shelter from the scorching sun in Henderson, Nevada, which reached  47C (116F) that day.  We stayed at his home for three weeks.  For more details, please click here.

Where are all the animals?…Holiday time in Marloth Park changes everything…What’s the difference between a tourist and a traveler?…

A calf is born weighing 100 to 150 pounds and measuring in at 6 feet tall. A calf will begin to forage at about four months old.

“Sighting of the Day in the Bush”

A dove was standing on the edge of our birdfeeder.

It’s a quiet day in the bush. As of this moment, at 10:00 am, we’ve had no visitors except the bothersome Vervet monkeys who attempt to knock down our birdfeeder to eat the seeds and a few birds.

Ostriches in the bush.

Although appearing cute and inquisitive, these smaller-than-baboons monkeys can wreak havoc in a house or garden, as we’ve mentioned in prior posts. It’s been an issue only over the past few weeks, and we’re wondering why they’re hanging around our garden now instead of a month earlier.

We’ve discovered a few areas in the park where we’ll often find flocks of ostriches.

We’re patiently waiting for visitors to stop by, but our expectations are in check when there are so many tourists in the park right now, continuing through August.

We can’t wait until it makes sense to go back to Kruger sometime shortly. We’ve seen photos of cars, bumper to bumper on the tar road in Kruger, including some of our own similar experiences lately, and we prefer not to deal with the traffic.

These parents have one chick as opposed to the seven we spotted a few days ago seen here.

A car drives down our street every few minutes when weeks ago, an hour could pass before a car would. It’s an entirely different world right now, and we’ll be glad when it’s over for a while. 

We’re amazed by how often we see elephants from Marloth Park, actually more than we usually see while in Kruger National Park. Tourists driving through Kruger cannot see this area of the Crocodile River and are not allowed out of their vehicles.

Last night, while cozy and comfortable on the veranda with the gas heater on, we could hear loud voices, loud music, and yelling. The noises were so loud we couldn’t hear when visitors walked through the bush as they approached the garden. 

There’s nothing quite as exciting as close encounters with giraffes.

Even with Tom’s less-than-ideal hearing after years of working on the railroad, he could hear the loud sounds in every direction. The “school holiday” ends on July 17th, but more tourists will arrive during their summer holidays throughout the northern hemisphere. Hopefully, by mid-August, all of this will taper off.

No other wildlife eats the leaves at the treetops than the giraffes making their food sources more readily available during the dry winter months.

Yes, some may say, ‘Who are you to complain about tourists?  Aren’t you tourists as well?”

The difference between us is clear. We are travelers, not tourists

The definition of a tourist is:

A person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure. Example: “the pyramids have drawn tourists to Egypt” 

synonyms:  holidaymakertravelersightseervisitor, excursionist, backpacker
globetrotter, day tripper, tripper; explorer, pilgrim, voyager, journeyer. vacationist, out-of-towner


The definition of a traveler is:

A gypsy or other nomadic person. A person who holds New Age values and leads an itinerant and unconventional lifestyle.

synonyms: gypsyRomanytziganedidicoi, nomad, migrant, wanderer, wayfarer, itinerant, drifter, tramp, vagrant, transient, vagabond,
I won’t say that gypsy, tramp, vagrant, didico, or transient necessarily apply to us, but surely we fall into the category of the other synonyms to one degree or another. Nor do I imply there’s anything wrong with being a tourist.
Scratch that itch!

Tourism is the lifeblood of countries throughout the world, and we feel blessed and honored to visit these countries, their points of interest, and mingle with their people.

Wildebeest Willie and his friends returned late on Friday night after our dinner guests had departed.
But, as we all know, some have little regard for the culture they are visiting, who continue in their loud and boisterous ways, upsetting the delicate balance of peace and purpose wherever they travel, whether they are tourists or travelers.
Blue wildebeests, regardless of gender, have horns. 
No doubt, when peace, quiet, and safety for the wildlife (and the people) return to Marloth and Kruger Parks, we’ll comfortably settle back into the routine we’ve come to know and love in this magical place.
May your day bring you peace, quiet, and time to revel in your surroundings.

Photo from one year ago today, July 8, 2017:

Tom’s taco salad at Lindo Michoacan in Henderson, Nevada, where we all dined the day we arrived. For more details, please click here.

Fabulous goodbye-for-awhile birthday party in the bush…An appreciated addition to the veranda…

This space heater will keep up warm as we spend each night outdoors during the cool winter nights. See the details in the story. 

“Sighting of the Day in the Bush”

A hornbill sitting in the top section of the bird feeder. From this site: “Most are arboreal birds, but the large ground hornbills (Bucorvus), as their name implies, are terrestrial birds of open savanna. Of the 24 species found in Africa, 13 are birds of the more open woodlands and savanna, and some occur even in highly arid environments; the remaining species are found in dense forests.”

I had promised food photos from last night, but I fail to live up to my promise. Sorry about that! We just had too much fun and, other than the few we’ve included here today, I was just too busy and engaged in the festivities to think about taking many photos.

Aloe Vera is known to be one of the most healing plants on the planet. They grow wild here in the bush. We took this photo yesterday at the brick overlook in Marloth Park on the Crocodile River when we drove around the park looking for the lions.

Nonetheless, here’s the menu from the birthday dinner, overall, an all-American feast:

  • Cheese sticks
  • Moist less-fat biltong (amazing jerky found in South Africa)
  • Marinated grilled pork chops on the braai
  • Marinated grilled pork tenderloin on the braai
  • Roasted vegetables
  • Sweet corn cooked on the braai
  • Garlic mashed potatoes
  • “Par 30 Salad” (a recipe from our old lives given to me by a chef at a golf club)
  • Ciabatta garlic bread, dusted with Parmesan cheese and broiled to a light brown
  • Homemade gluten-free apple crisp served warm and topped with a dollop of vanilla ice cream.
Our guests, Kathy and Don and Linda and Ken, arrived with heavy coats, not knowing we had the heater.  It kept all of us comfortable all evening.

Actually, this was an easy dinner to make. The only time-consuming items were peeling the apples for the apple crisp and then peeling the potatoes. I hadn’t made either of these items in seven years since I began my way of eating. 

Instead of birthday cake for Kathy’s birthday, I made gluten-free apple crisp, served warm and topped with a dollop of vanilla ice cream. I didn’t eat it due to the sugar content, but everyone said it was delicious. 

My potato peeler that travels with us finally bit the dust, and the one in the kitchen was equally dull. Thus, I had to use a paring knife which was slow and cumbersome. In my old life, I had an electric peeler that worked fabulously.  But, this isn’t my old life, and the trade-offs are worth it. 

On the 4th of July, this past week was Ken’s birthday, yesterday was Kathy’s, and on the 16th was Linda’s. We celebrated all the birthdays with champagne, gifts, and merriment.

Last night, Ken walked out to the pond and took this photo of the noisy frog we’ve heard each night.  It’s actually tiny, as shown while it’s leaning on a leaf, next to a Helmeted Guinea Fowl feather.

It was a fantastic evening for all. All the food came out as we’d hoped, and the drinks flowed, starting with Pina Colada’s, then to champagne (sparking brut), and then to each of our own preferred wine and cocktails. I drank my usual low-alcohol red wine, and Tom had his usual brandy and Sprite Zero.

Tom backing away from the band of mongoose after he sets down the bowl of eggs.

In Marloth Park, it’s a tradition that dinner guests bring their own preferred beverages such as wine, beer, or liquor. It’s a great tradition since it keeps the cost and convenience of entertaining within reach for everyone. In some cases, hosts will start the evening with a special celebratory beverage, such as the Long Island Ice Teas, at Kathy and Don’s home on the 4th of July.

At times, we have dozens in the yard.  Yesterday, only about 25 mongooses were clamoring around the bowl of raw eggs.

I don’t consume any mixed beverages of any type (due to sugar), nor was I able to eat anything on the above menu except for the pork and roasted vegetables. The remainder had too many carbs or included dairy, not befitting my diet. I didn’t mind a bit. As the proverbial hostess, I always love seeing our guests enjoy our offerings.

Let’s backtrack a bit. Earlier in the day, while on our daily drive searching for the lions currently in the park, I had an idea about the cold nights we’ve been experiencing on the veranda. There’s no way we want to have to be indoors in the evenings.  What if we could find some space heater or outdoor heater? After all, winter has only just begun, and it’s very cool at night.

Even after the bowl is empty, they lick the bowl, trying to get the very last drop of the eggs.

We stopped at a few places while we were out yesterday but couldn’t find a thing that would work for us last night and, in the future, certainly not in Marloth Park shops. There wasn’t enough time to drive to Komatipoort or Malelane with the busy day to see what we could find.

We resigned ourselves that our dinner party would require warm jackets once the sun was set around 17:30 (5:30 pm). As we often do when we have questions, I sent Louise a message asking where she’d recommend we go on Monday to purchase some outdoor heater.

We were busy inside the house preparing for last night’s dinner party.  But, we knew the mongooses had arrived by the high-pitched cackling and squeals.  Tom always drops a few uncracked raw eggs on the ground to keep them around while we make up the bowl of six to eight eggs (depending on the size of the “band”).

Within seconds, she replied, “Hahaha, I’ve got one for you.  Just wait and see.” “What???” I asked in a state of total shock.

Zef and Vusi showed up in the “bakkie” (truck) within ten minutes, with one of those fabulous gas heaters seen in some outdoor restaurants on a chilly night, as shown in today’s main photo. We had a bottle of gas on hand, and in a manner of minutes, it was all set up and ready to use. 

How did we get so lucky to have Louise and Danie as our friends and our “landlords?” Their kindness, attention-to-detail, and generosity are like none we’ve seen anywhere in the world. 

Oh, don’t get me wrong, we’ve had nothing but wonderful landlords over these past years of world travel, many of whom we still stay in touch with. But, these two? Over-the-top, all the way around. If you’re looking for a property to rent or build in Marloth Park, these are the people to see. The friendship and socializing with them is such a bonus. We’ll always treasure it.

The heater kept us all warm and comfortable, and tonight while we dine on leftovers, we’ll be right here on the veranda as we are now, lapping up every moment of life in the bush.

Have a spectacular weekend wherever you may be!

Photo from one year ago today, July 7, 2017:
There was no post on July 7th, the date we flew from Minnesota to Nevada, where we spent three weeks with son Richard at his home in Henderson.  More will follow.

Another busy day in the neighborhood…Chicks, chicks and more chicks!…Fun video in Sighting of the Day”…

This cute little chick was one of seven we found in the neighborhood in Marloth Park. Thanks for the tip, Louise!

“Sighting of the Day in the Bush” 

 What a hysterical night when we heard this noise that lasted for hours! 
A friendly visitor stopped by amid the noise and didn’t seem to mind a bit.

With Louise and Danie frequently moving in Marloth Park with their property management and building businesses, they’re often the first to discover interesting sightings.

We were thrilled to find the ostrich parents with seven chicks exactly where Louise had said she’d seen them 10 minutes earlier.

Knowing and appreciating how enthusiastic and passionate we are in great photo ops to share here on our site, they never hesitate to let us know about unique and special sightings. Obviously, if they spot a kudu, bushbuck, or warthog, they don’t notify us. Plenty of them visits us each day.

Mom and Dad were obviously very proud of their family.  Ostriches mate for life.

Over the past few days, when they’d spotted ostrich parents with seven or eight chicks, they didn’t hesitate to let us know. Yesterday, when Louise sent me a Messenger note stating that she’d spotted the ostrich family near the corner of Volstruis (oddly, Volstruis means “ostrich” in Afrikaans) and Hornbill, we were in the car and on our way within two or three minutes.

The chicks weren’t concerned about wandering a short distance from their parents, making it impossible to get one photo with all seven of them.

We didn’t expect to find them when we were deciding which way to go as we reached the intersection of the two streets with four options in front of us.  Tom, with his watchful eye, noticed a stopped car on Volstruis a short distance down the road and said, “Let’s go see what they’re looking at!”

Alas, safari luck prevailed, and there they were, in the garden of a house that didn’t appear to be occupied. Brazenly, Tom pulled into the driveway so we could have a “bird’s eye view” (no pun intended), and we were as close as we could be without intruding on their “pecking” as a family.

Peck, peck, peck.  They seemed to fit edibles in the dirt.

We observed them for quite some time, not only to take photos but also to enjoy this magical sighting. Tom turned off the engine as we sat and watched. There was no point in getting out of the car, although our photos may have been better.

If they stopped by our garden, which they may eventually do, we’d have some ostrich-appropriate treats for them.

Ostriches can be dangerous. From this site: “Ostriches can be found in the wild, on safaris, or ostrich farms. But regardless of where you find them, treat them with the utmost caution. Although they do not prey on humans, they have been known to injure and kill when provoked. Extremely fast on foot, they can deliver mortal blows by the sheer force of their legs, never mind the lethally sharp talons at their toes. The best thing you can do is steer clear of them. Failing that, ducking for cover and hiding works best. As a last resort, you may even have to fight them.”

These three chicks of the seven seemed to stay close to one another.

That’s exactly why we didn’t exit the car. However, we’ve seen visitors in Marloth Park getting dangerously close to ostriches with little regard for their own safety of the magnificent birds, the largest on earth.

From this site:  “Ostriches are large, flightless birds with long legs and a long neck protruding from a round body. Males have a bold black-and-white coloring that they use to attract females. Females, on the other hand, are light brown. (Continued below).

Their young feathers and markings are adorable.

Ostriches are bigger than any other bird in the world. They can grow up to 9 feet (2.7 meters) tall and can weigh up to 320 lbs. (145 kilograms), according to the African Wildlife Foundation, and an ostrich’s eyes are 2 inches (5 centimeters) in diameter — the largest of any land animal. The ostrich is the only bird that has two toes on each foot. All other birds have three or four toes, according to the American Ostrich Association.”

At one point, Dad didn’t seem to be happy with us being so close.  Ostriches can be dangerous if they feel threatened, especially with their chicks nearby. We rolled up our windows and moved back. 

After we returned with the above photos, I attempted to get back to work on yesterday’s post. As we’d planned, Ken stopped by (with Don) to provide me with some useful camera tips. He’s quite the expert, and I had many questions. He adeptly answered all of them, providing me with several important bits of information.

Here we were able to get six of the seven in one photo.

Tom and Don chatted while Ken and I, both with similar cameras, spent about an hour reviewing many aspects of photography that will surely help me in the future. I’m not promising my photos will substantially improve, although they may gradually become more professional-looking.

I’d never taken much interest in photography in our old lives. It just didn’t interest me. Now that we’re traveling over the years, I’ve wanted to improve my less-than-ideal skills. We’ll see how it goes.

Mom frequently stood up from pecking to check her surroundings for any threats.

Many photos we’re sharing over the next several days were taken before “camera school.” I’ll attempt to use what I’ve learned to up the quality of my photos in the future.

Saying this put just enough pressure on me to use what I’ve learned and not fall back into my old patterns of often using the wrong settings for the scene.  Please be patient with me.

“Ostriches normally mate for life, and they share the task of incubating the eggs. Ostriches form bisexual groups with a complex structure. Territorial males compete for flocks of three to five hens. Mating includes elaborate displays of hisses and dancing.”

Last night, even in the chilly weather, we managed to stay on the veranda until bedtime. Bundled up in warm clothing, we enjoyed several visitors, including four wildebeest who must have been friends of Wildebeest Willie since I recognized him in the “implausibility of wildebeest.” (Yep, that’s what a group of wildebeest is called, an “implausibility”). Go figure.

Today, we’re busy getting ready for tonight’s dinner party. We’re having a traditional American-type pork braai (barbecue). We’ll share photos, the menu, and details in tomorrow’s post.

I was up very early this morning chopping and dicing, so to say, so there would be time to get today’s post uploaded by noon our time. Hopefully, it will be a little warmer than last night for our outdoor dinner party.

Have a fabulous weekend wherever you may be.

Photo from one year ago today, July 6, 2017:

Tom, Tammy, and Vincent on our last night in Minnesota when we all said goodbye. For more photos, please click here.

Fantastic 4th of July in the bush…Are we wildlife spotters?…

The 4th of July invitation we received weeks ago. These two sure know how to put on a party!
Thanks, Kathy and Don, with lots of help from Linda and Ken, staying with them this week until Sunday when they all depart. Sadly, we won’t see them again for many months.

“Sighting of the Day in the Bush”

Last night’s sunset from Kathy and Don’s third-floor veranda overlooking the Crocodile River.

Leave it to Kathy and Don to once again host a unique evening in their lovely home in Marloth Park located on the Crocodile River. With 12 of us in attendance, it was the perfect number for their huge table on their veranda on the third floor.

Fern and Tony, otherwise dressed as Dolly Parton and Uncle Sam.

Arriving by 17:00 hrs., (5:00 pm) we had little time to take sunset photos until soon it became dark while the evening cooled during these chilly winter nights in the bush. We all bundled up in jackets we’d brought along, giving little thought to the chill as the drinks flowed and festive began to the point of pure delight.

Tom and Andrew.

Once again, Don and Ken displayed their singing and dancing talents performing as the Blue Brothers from the 1980s. We howled with laughter cheering them on as they danced many popular dances over the past five decades. 

Long-time friends Linda and Ken, originally from the UK, live in South Africa while they also travel the world.

The dinner was great as always, with plenty of items I could eat.  For dessert, Kathy and Linda presented Ken (his birthday was actually yesterday) with a lit birthday cake with those hysterical candles that won’t blow out resulting in yet another laugh fest.

Leslie won the 4th of July quiz, although she isn’t American.

Before we knew it the evening came to an end and we made our way home, mindful of the possibility that the lions could be nearby. We gingerly got out of the car, closely monitoring our surroundings until we were safely indoors.

Don had made Long Island Ice Teas for the hot dog and other starters.

Regardless of how practical we attempt to be, there’s no way there isn’t an emotional impact when we watch or hear of a predator killing and eating another animal. It’s exciting to many of us here in Marloth Park that lions are on the loose, only adding to the mystique and wonder of this unusual place.

Kathy, as always, had set a beautiful red, white and blue, theme-appropriate table for 12.

But most people here in the park also have become very attached to these beautiful creatures and it’s never easy to see one taken by a predator. In any case, we spent several hours driving through the park yesterday when notices came out (via Messenger) that someone had spotted the lions.

We didn’t have any costumes, so we wore red, white and blue.

Who knows how long they will stay in the park? There’s no competition here for food sources, and they could easily decide to wait for the long haul. 

Kathy, priming the audience for the upcoming “Blue Brothers” show.

We’d love to spot the lions to take photos. We’ll continue to head out each day on a mission to see if we’ll get lucky. In the interim, we’ve had several incredible sightings in the past 24 hours, which we look forward to sharing in a few posts over the next few days.

Don and Ken had practiced well for their performances, including lines to memorize and a wide array of dance steps. 

Tomorrow will be a busy day, posting and preparing a birthday dinner for Kathy, whose actual birthday is tomorrow. Our friend, Linda’s birthday is in less than two weeks. It’s cold outside. Since we really don’t have room at a table indoors for six of us we’ll make it work staying bundled up.

As always, we were pretty impressed with their performance.

That’s it for today, folks. We’ll be back with more fun photos tomorrow. Please check back.

Photo from one year ago today, July 5, 2017:

 Miles, Madighan (front), with me, Maisie, Camille, and Greg. We were winding down to leave Minnesota to head to Nevada for more family visits. For more details, please click here.

Two lions sighted on our street last night!…Zebras and kudus stampeding in the driveway!..Video…

We always attempt to zoom in efficiently enough to leave out the fence.

“Sighting of the Day in the Bush”

This happened so quickly that we only got the last few seconds of what appeared to be a stampede by zebras and kudus in our driveway.  Stunning, today on the 4th of July!

This morning our dear friend and property manager Louise sent out this message warning of two lions sighted late last night. Thanks, Louise, for always being on the ball on these important updates.

Good morning. 2 Lions were spotted late last night in the area of Swartwitpens, Hartbees, Pappegaai, Woodpecker, and Butterfly. Please take caution as they still might be in the area. Thank you.

We hadn’t heard any more details about the lioness that had entered Marloth Park a few weeks ago, prompting everyone to believe she may have returned to Kruger National Park.

We spotted these elephants from Marloth Park across the Crocodile River a few days ago.

There’s no word yet on the gender of these two lions, but surely in the next few days, something will be posted on the Marloth Park Sightings on Facebook. We’ll keep an eye out for updates.

Last night, we didn’t take any photos when I was busy on Skype speaking to son Greg, daughter-in-law Camille and our three grandchildren, Maisie, Miles, and Madighan. 

This parade of elephants consisted of more than 30.

They were camping about an hour outside of Minneapolis, and it was fun when Miles carried the phone around to show us photos of their new fifth-wheel camper. In return, I showed Madighan the bushbabies by turning around my computer while she squealed with delight over how cute they are. Maisie had an opportunity to see a few warthogs in the yard, including Little Wart Face. 

It’s not easy taking photos through the narrow electrified fence between Marloth Park and Kruger National Park.

Having face-time with family is especially fun, although we don’t always have the opportunity to do so due to the big time difference. It’s hard to believe that in a mere nine months, in April, we’ll be back in Minnesota to see everyone. 

We got out of the car and moved as close to the fence as possible to get these shots.  In Kruger, exiting a vehicle is strictly forbidden.

This visit won’t be as long as last summer’s six-week stay with only 17 days in Minnesota, but we’ll focus on spending quality time with both sides of the family as we did last year. However, we plan to return in September 2020, which is 16 months later.

In between all of these dates, we have so much planned all the way into 2021, along with gaps we’ll fill during the next year. The itinerary is perpetually evolving as we acquire interest and enthusiasm for new and different locations. To see our most recent itinerary, please click here.

Such mysterious and fascinating animals.

Once we’ve uploaded today’s post, we’ll be heading out for our usual drive in the park, but this time with eyes focused on spotting two lions and the eight ostrich chicks seen with mom and dad on a nearby dirt road. Of course, that doesn’t mean we won’t stop to take photos of other wildlife we discover along the way.

As for today, the US holiday, Independence Day, the 4th of July, as mentioned in a prior post, we’re attending a holiday celebration here in the bush at friends Kathy and Don’s home beginning at 1700 hours (5:00 pm). 

The caring these animals feel for one another is always obvious when viewing them in the wild.

Tom’s busy reading up on Independence Day facts since Don will always have a relevant quiz.  Tom won last time (at their Easter party). We’ll see how it goes tonight.

May our American family and friends in the US and living in other countries have a safe and meaningful Independence Day.  Our patriotism and devotion to our country and each other are vital to our freedom, prosperity, and everlasting peace.

Photo from one year ago today, July 4, 2017:

With the bright sun behind us, this photo didn’t come out too well, plus our plates of food look twice as big as they actually were. For more details, please click here.

Late post due to distractions…The proverbial observers…A bulb supersedes…

Notice the pellet crumbs on her nose. Often, there are lots of crumbs in the huge bags of pellets. Most wildlife is happy to lap up the crumbs if we place them on the tile steps.

“Sighting of the Day in the Bush”

Big Daddy showed up, and then he and Wildebeest Willie let us know pellets were expected.

We love these animals. It’s hard to describe to anyone who hasn’t experienced the beauty and magnificence of wild animals in their presence daily.  Not only do we relish the opportunity to see them each day, as we patiently wait for the sounds of the rustling of leaves in the bush as they approach, but we’re literally entranced by their behavior.

Although they’re used to being around humans while we all share the rustic terrain in Marloth Park, they are still wild animals. They aren’t domesticated beings, like dogs and cats. They don’t want to be touched, nor should we attempt to touch them.

In the forefront is the baby bushbuck we’ve seen grow over these past months. To her left is her mom, as shown in today’s main photo. Behind her is “auntie,” who’s helped raise the baby.  The three of them visit together at least once a day. They prefer to eat pellets and vegetables from the stone steps as opposed to in the dirt.

They fend for themselves in this wild place; mating, giving birth, raising their young, and interacting with one another in ways we often find astounding as we, the proverbial observers, glean this unstoppable sense of somehow belonging to their world, if only in a minuscule way when they visit us.

They don’t belong to us. This isn’t a zoo. This isn’t a rehab center for wildlife, although at times, for the more endangered species, medical intervention may occur in specific cases. But, most of the animals here are subject to illness, injury, and recovery on their own, as they best know-how.

We’ve named him Wildebeest Willie, now that he’s quickly becoming a regular visitor.

A huge benefit for them is the lack of natural predators here in the park, save for an occasional lion, leopard, or wild dogs entering the park through a break in the dividing fence between Marloth and Kruger Parks.

Recently, with the influx of tourists and, unfortunately, some residents, 13 animals have been killed on the roads by speeding and careless humans, not driving their vehicles with “them” in mind. 

Wildebeest are notoriously shy. The more he sees us, the more at ease he is hanging out in the garden. He stayed for several hours last night, unusual for a wildebeest.

Sure, occasionally, an unsuspecting driver may be unable to stop when an animal dashes into the road, day or night. But, then, we all should be driving at a snail’s pace to avert even those situations. 

Since the holiday season began, we’ve seen three cases where young children ranging from five to 12 years old have been driving SUVs, the youngest on the parent’s lap and the older on their own. 

When the pellets ran low, Wildebeest Willie didn’t waste any time approaching the veranda.

Who could think it is wise to let a child drive a vehicle in this place or anyplace, for that matter? They aren’t experienced or equipped to handle a massive vehicle if a wild animal suddenly jumped onto the road. 

And even if the parent had the child on their lap, the adult’s response time would be greatly hindered by the situation, unable to react quickly enough to avoid hitting an animal, let alone a person walking or riding a bike. What are these people thinking?

When we didn’t jump up right away, he held his ground at the edge of the veranda, waiting for us to respond.  We did.

We especially question this when day after day and night after night, we’re blissfully blessed to see these amazing creatures grace us with their presence, accepting our intrusion into their space, their terrain, their world.

Last night, we were in awe of them when we experienced one of the best wildlife watching experiences since we arrived in Marloth Park on February 11th. Not only did we have no less than eight playful and funny warthogs, but we had Frank and the Mrs. (francolins) in attendance, a loud chirping bullfrog for background noise, Wildebeest Willie, and Big Daddy adding to the entertainment factor.

He seems to get along well with the warthogs, which are nightly visitors. At this point, he and Little Wart Face shared pellets without incident.

And during the evening hours, bushbucks stopped by; mongoose visited, duikers delicately danced through the garden, along with a continuing stream of hippo and bullfrog sounds wafting through the air. 

We hardly had time to eat our dinner when every few moments we jumped up to toss another slew of pellets, a fistful of apples or handfuls of cut carrots to our “guests.” They couldn’t have been more pleased. We couldn’t have been more pleased.

And when later in the evening, as the “crowd” thinned out, the bulb in our garden light burned out. Subsequently, when we usually shop for groceries on Thursdays, we were off this morning to the Obaro Hardware store in Komatipoort for another bulb (we actually purchased two) when we couldn’t dare miss one evening of festivities. 

They seemed to get along well.  Only once did Big Daddy tap the ends of his giant antlers on the ground to let Willie know to back off?

We purchased groceries for our upcoming dinner party on Friday night and for us for the next week. After we put everything away, I asked Tom to please make sure the bulb worked so I could have peace of mind while preparing today’s post that nothing would hinder the joy of yet another evening on the veranda.  It worked, and we now have a backup.

Today, folks, it was a bulb. That’s why today’s post is late by no less than four hours due to going to Komatipoort to purchase the bulb and grocery shop while there.  For us to miss posting by our usual time, it must be a very critical situation; a drive into Kruger, a road trip, a special event, or a travel day.

Thanks for your patience, and enjoy your evening listening to the sounds of nature wherever you may be.

Photo from one year ago today, July 3, 2017:

One year ago today, we dined with our old neighbors/friends. From left to right, Doug, Jamie Tom, me, Sue, Nelleke and Dave.  For more details and photos, please click here.